Replies moved from the topic called "The Reef" in the "Web content" category

Click where? Unfortunately I’ll be in England on 21 April, but would like to keep in touch.

Haha, this is only a prototype website, Simon! I will send you a personal invitation when we are ready (probably in a week from now).

@alberto and @manuelpueyo: I think Simon’s comment makes it clear that the approach taken in the form is not right.
I think we need two forms:

  1. Yes I can make it to the presentation, please send me the address

  2. No I can’t make it but I would like to stay informed

I don’t know where you are with transforming the Google form into a Nextcloud one. Can you please tell me what to do or else take over?


@manuelpueyo , @ugne , @Sabine_B_Frank and @Malcolm : if you still agree with the idea of having your picture in the “who are we” section on the website, can you please send a picture to @alberto ASAP?

Many thanks!

ok. @alberto i put them already in the nextcloud

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@manuelpueyo I can’t see them, maybe you have stored them in a non-shared folder? Also, can I ask you to prioritize recreating Lie’s form in NextCloud?

@alberto I added a line at the bottom of our website to lead visitors to the brochure. Can you please link it to the version on Nextcloud? Thanks!

If you refer to the last FAQ, it already leads to

It’s the very last line on the website, the one that says “Read more about how we picture The Reef in detail in the Reef’s brochure”. The word “brochure” should have a URL to the brochure on the Nextcloud.

I found the document on the Nextcloud, but when I tried to hyperlink it, it seems that it is only accessible to people with an account. Can you please have a look? Thanks!

Excuse my IT ignorance once more, but are we giving people access to the entire Nextcloud?

No. That link resolves to a login page for people who are not logged in already.

@asimong, I recall you could not make the 18th of April… we have now scheduled a second public meeting, on June 2nd. Info and reservations on the site,, then click on “Meet us”. :slight_smile:

@alberto and @manuelpueyo: I don’t know who of you made the edits to the “Meet the group” section, but I did not feel comfortable with putting the registration form for the workshop online for anybody to register.

The reasons for this are twofold:

  1. We have an implicit policy that only people who attended the presentations can attend the workshop. This is because we want to make sure that we only engage with people who understand our process in detail.
  2. We already have 15 participants (11 guests + us), and so given the enthusiasm at the last presentation I am afraid that we will get more people than we can comfortably host (and get to know in one day).

Therefore I removed this bit of text, and I added a sentence about the fact that we are not complete yet under the heading “Joining The Reef” (which is the intuitive place for this IMHO). I hope this is ok and otherwise happy to discuss of course.

I also created a new section “Documents” that links to the wiki with the key documents.

Finally, for the sake of transparency: I also removed the link to the registration form for the 2 June presentation in the “Contact” section.

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it makes sense not to add the link. it was not me :slight_smile:

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Plead guilty.

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