Research methodology: the Spot The Future data model and workflow

Yes, you can

Every tag translates to its own <span>some text</span> tag, so you can select some text, tag it, select a part of that text again, tag it again. Resulting in both tags being applied in a nested way so that the middle part has two tags applied at the same time, like this:

<span>some text <span>part of that text</span> some text</span>

This works with any nesting level (applying 5, 10, 15 tags to the same piece of text). But it will quickly become hard to work with then. I will also have to see how to render tags visually in a way that nested tags are shown appropriately. Maybe background colors with transparency, which should work for about 3 tag levels.

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@Matthias, I have couple of questions:

  1. i guess this probably for the future, but is it possible to make tags more visible, not just plain simple small flag when you put pointer over the text, but maybe different colors or…i mean, i can work (and am working) with what is here, however, when i apply several tags i need to be sure if all of them are there, because the “flag” displays just the last one i put on. how to I check that the others are still there?

  2. how long will it take you to write a script to export tagged text for future analysis in RQDA? I plan to be done with tagging by middle of the week, if everything goes right.

All tags are triangles now.

Thanks for asking. As I had promised to do the tag rendering and it slipped off my list somehow … . Ok, so here it goes.

You (and all other content managers and admins) will now see little colored triangles “:arrow_forward:” at the start and “:arrow_backward:” at the end of a tag, both when viewing content and when editing it (in the “Filtered HTML + Tagging” mode only). For example I tagged myself here, or compare Noemi’s post here, which already has tagging applied. The color of the triangles will indicate tag type (topic, action, place etc.) and when hovering over it, you see again the tooltip with the tag name. When you add several tags to the exact same piece of text now, several of these triangles will appear the start and end. So by hovering over each of them, you can see the names of all the tags you applied.

If the colors-and-tooltip combination is not sufficient for visual indication of how you tagged things up, I can adapt that to your wishes easily now, including: (1) colors per tag instead of per tag type, (2) other symbols instead of just triangles, per tag type or tag, (3) image icons instead of the triangle symbols, (4) text color, background etc. of the tagged text itself, though I guess that will make it hard to read and can also lead to weird combinations when tagging text with multiple tags.

@Alberto, you gotta come over here and look at what your ethno-tagging editor prototype has become laugh I kinda surprised myself with this solution … it’s still a bit of a hack but it was simple and … umh … simple is beautiful in this case. You can see how it is done in this CSS file. (If you want to adapt the CSS, remember to flush Drupal’s caches after saving the CSS or you won’t see any effects.)

Great work!

Very good work, @Matthias and @Inga. I am impressed. :slight_smile:

Different taggins?

Hi @Matthias!

I’m progressing on the tagging so far, but I need to be sure that I’m on the right path.

Please let me know if my approach is right, I’m looking for spans within the text that have no particular class, but have the attribute “property” beginning with “eoe:”. What I find after that is namely the category of tagging? (I found so far in the posts ‘topic’ and ‘action’). Then the tagging is encoded within the attribute “resource”, after “eoe:”.  I guess the attribute “Title” is only for interface usage purpose (maybe it does not belong in the data??)

Is it the right way?

The main question is nothing else is stored behind this “eoe” thing?

Now, is it possible for me to create a “view” in which I can associate “resource”, “property”, as I do with comments and posts, or should I recreate it on the fly from what I obtain? Just to be clear with what I have.

Thanks a lot!


Yes, tag type and actual tag.

Your understanding of the RDFa tags is quite right. Specifically, the title attribute is just a human-readable short description of the tag and encodes no additional information (so, nothing that you need to care about in network analysis). I’ll copy in here the current attribute field help text from the CKEditor styles creation form so you better see the make-up / syntax of the different fields:

  • Element: For ethnographic tags, enter "span".
  • Title: HTML title attribute to apply to the element; will appear as tooltip when mousing over markup in the editor and in the page on the frontend.

    For ethnographic tags, put in tag type, a colon, and the full tag name so you can recognize it later. For example, “Topic: International labor migration”.

  • Property: RDFa property attribute. For ethnographic tags, (1) let it contain the tag type, (2) use the "eoe:" prefix, (3) else use only lowercase characters and "-", for example: "eoe:topic" or "eoe:place"
  • Resource: RDFa resource attribute. For ethnographic tags, (1) let it contain a short / abbreviated name of a specific tag of the type you put in "property", (2) use the "eoe:" prefix, (3) use square brackets, (4) else use only lowercase characters and "-", for example: "[eoe:intl-labor-migration]" for a topic tag."
  • Class: [...] For ethnographic tags, you can leave this empty. Your tags will still be colored for you.

“The main question is nothing else is stored behind this “eoe” thing?”: Not sure I get this question. eoe is just a namespace I invented because it’s a technical requirement in RDFa attributes. It is just meant to be memorizable and means “Edgeryders Online Ethnography”.

“Now, is it possible for me to create a “view” in which I can associate “resource”, “property”, as I do with comments and posts, or should I recreate it on the fly from what I obtain?”: The resource attribute is the actual tag, meaning that the property attribute’s tag type information is not needed to identify a tag. Having both attributes in place is again just a technical detail to match the RDFa standard, which is IMHO a nice way for embedding the tagging in a web standards compliant way (making it safe to serve it as part of the regular content, as we do now).

So I understand your question as “Can I create a view that lists me all nodes where tag eoe:some-tag-name appears in?”. Unfortunately that seems not possible in Drupal without developing a custom module; Drupal is not well-suited to search based on DOM content, and the only thing coming close to what we need here (index_htmlattr) is only for Drupal 6. What seems potentially possible however (using views_xml_backend) is views like “list me all ethnographic tags appearing in node with ID <parameter here>”. I assume that this is not really helpful, since analyzing which tags appear in a certain XML piece is just a simple task (using XPath or whatever you like for that) in your script as well. But in case you want to experiment with views_xml_backend features, I’ll gladly install it for you here.

Thanks for this very detailed answer!

So there is no special span class attribute that identifies ethnographic coding spans but “eoe” means “Edgeryders Online Ethnography” and it is a marker sufficient enough to assess that it concerns only ethnographic coding.

Thanks to your system I will always find attributes property and resource to build the association groups/coding, so I will build the “view” on the fly :slight_smile:

Alright, thanks again!

alphabetic order?

thank you, @Matthias, now it is way easier to see and make sure that I put all the tags on a piece of text that I wanted to. But I have another question: is it possible to do that the tags would all be displayed in alphabetic order in that drop-down list? older tags are in the alphabetic order, however, I am creating more as I go, and they all appear in the end of the list. and it is harder to find them fast afterwards.


Ok, all content of the styles dropdown is now in alphabetic order. (Or rather, ordered by machine names, the stuff like eoe_place_africa … which seems to give the same order always but due to the eoe_ prefix also keeps all your tags together without getting interspersed with regular text styling tags).

Re. the script for exporting to RQDA, it takes probably 2-3 days. But I’ll have to do one other urgent Edgeryders task today / tomorrow first :frowning:

@Matthias Thank you for alphabetic order! another question: is it possible somehow to edit machine name (eoe_something_something) when you want to edit a tag? when i do cloning manually, time to time i forget to change the machine name and later there is no way of editing it, so several times i had to delete the tag all together and start anew. it just takes extra time :slight_smile:

also, for script for RQDA: do you need me to be completely done with tagging for writing it or it does not matter?

No, you’ll need to re-create tags, unfortunately.

I’m afraid there’s no way to edit the machine name; it’s intentionally this way in Drupal, since it’s used as a non-changing reference point where other parts of the software can refer to. Since nothing refers to the tag machine names, I can safely rename them in the database, but it’s not possible in the user interface. So you can send me a bulk list of machine names to correct at times, but I guess it’s more direct to delete and re-create the tag as you do. By re-creating with the exact same property and resource attribute values, it will result in the same tags in texts afterwards. And of course if you used it for tagging already, deleting the tag in the CKEditor Style Rules section does not delete the tagging within your text, so no need to redo that. But I guess you figured that out already :slight_smile:

For my work on the RQDA script, it does not matter if you’re done with tagging or not.

thanks for info! yes, i figured out most of things already. then my question - when will you have time to do the script for RQDA? would it be possible by this weekend? thank you very much for all your help!  :slight_smile:

Another technical issue: I did not notice for quite a while that eoe_topic_social_media had attribute title Environmental campaign - so I finally fixed it in CKEditor.But older text that was tagged with it, still show ‘environmental campaign’ when i drag mouse over. however, if i understand correctly, when exported all these tags will be under one name “social media”, right? or should i go and manually recode everything?

Title attribute is just to render tags to humans inside Drupal

So, no need to recode everything, since all exports will just care about the “resource” (and “property”) attributes. If we keep up the RDF/a tagging format for further tagging exactly like now when developing our custom Drupal integrated CAQDA software one day, we will very probably remove all title attributes with a script anyway, since it’s technically redundancy.

Who wants to submit an abstract with me? Deadine june 23

Hey Guys, Geci whom I met in South Africa pointed me in the direction of this EC conference on Future oriented technology analysis:

"The focus of the conference is on the potential of Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) to “Engage today to shape tomorrow”.

There are three main conference themes that will help structure contributions and discussions:

  • Theme 1: FTA and Innovation Systems
  • Theme 2: Creative interfaces for forward looking activities
  • Theme 3: Cutting edge FTA approaches "

The deadline to submit an abstract is June 23.

Who wants to co-author a paper with me on this? If nothing else it is a good opportunity to start preparing the final report to UNDP.

I would be interested, i just need to read more about this conference. but sounds interesting - i will do STF ethnography report anyways.

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Great. Let me know when you are ready

Not much time so we would need to  put together an abstract in the next week.

You have been coded. I will give some stats soon (like, the number of posts, comments coded etc.) as well as updated code list. However, as I was not able to merge codes in a process, some of them will have to be merged offline during the analysis with RQDA. I will also systematize proper codebook (aka - what code means what, because if it has a specific meaning for me, it does not mean that it will have the same connotation to everyone else). And codebook will be kinda copy-paste from CKEditor + some extra stuff from my notes.

@Alberto, I will provide you with some more bullet points in the nearest future for your upcoming presentation before sending you a draft report.

Also @Nadia I am already starting to think about ideas and formulations for the abstract. Will contact you soon.

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Well done!

Well done, Inga! Thanks.


post them here when you are ready?