Rewrite of Dreams for multi-tenancy and wider adoption

A bunch of features from the mvp definition has been added since last update:

  • Budget items
  • Comments (some of this work done by @mehow)
  • Marking dreams as favorite and filtering on your favorites
  • Free text search/filter
  • and responsiveness has been much improved (not terrible in mobile anymore :slight_smile: )

I think the next feature to tackle is flags (allowing admin to set guidelines that the Dreams should follow, and let users help out in the screening process through flagging dreams that donā€™t meet these criteria).

A healthy dosage of boredom, being ok with the boredom, bodily pains, equanimity with the pain etcā€¦ :sweat_smile:

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Another overhaul that I think would make sense is to move from using subdomains for events to using subdirectories. I.e. moving from to Dreams.

This would make it easier to deploy on a wider array of setups, for example you might want to use a subdomain on your own domain to run Dreams, to get something like This would also enable us to use the subdomain on a hosted version for organisations later.

I :black_heart: the new direction and the new Tech Stack.

This indeed has been a very hard project to maintain and get new developers for.
Iā€™m happy that personally this gives me a whole new drive to jump in and help development.

On the technical side - Iā€™m curious on how you would solve the ā€œcustom fields per projectā€ issue using a relational db.

Bottom line - Letā€™s do this :muscle:t3:

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I tried out the
Is there any documentation?
How does granting work?

We are working on documentation, but granting is done in a ā€œcollectionā€. An organization can have many collections, and you could see a collection as being equal to an event.

  1. Make sure that granting is open in the granting settings of the collection (if there is no date set it is always open)
  2. As an admin or guide you can approve new Dreams for granting once they have set a budget
  3. To give participants money to distribute, go to the ā€œmembersā€ page of a collection. To add an amount to all members at the same time, press the plus sign on top of the balance column.

Makes sense?

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Hi, documentation is started but not finalized. Anyhow, the current draft has most information that you will need. Make a comment if you have any questions! Dreams platform guide/presentation - Google Docs

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Is there a way to see the complete ask (minimum, stretch goals) of all dreams in a collection/event?


No, there is not. But itā€™s a good feature to include eventually!

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