Scouting strategy helping circle (scouting strategy #2)

Hello @anon78992831 and @Caro,

The three of us were sort of volunteered at the last Team Building meeting to set up a Helping Circle on the Scouting Strategy #2. The idea would be - if possible - to have a proposal ready to be presented at the plenary meeting of 19/03.

Are you on board for this, and if yes, is this something you could make a little time for in the coming week. If not, no problem, but then we should we flag that we need a bit more time.

Also: would you have a folder or a file where you gathered the information on the scouted zones? I remember seeing an online map, but I have no idea where you are with this.

Any ideas on how to move forward on this?

Hi Lie,

There is an online Google map indeed, you have access – viewing AND editing access - to it with this link:

On this one are mapped all the sites from the Fiche Factory, both out an in sites, the floodable areas, the areas covered so far. There are also layers we used to pin point areas where we (Els, Seb, caro) thought it is worthy to have a look on site.

The idea of this map is that we can point the areas to (re)scouted next, and then drag them in the layer “Covered areas 2024”. We can also add comments on these, to write our thoughts or recommendations on a specific place. For example, Seb once said “The area around Gare de l’Ouest has big potentials, we should try to reach owners of industrial plots because most of the time they are willing to leave to a bigger place even if their business is running now”. So there is now a comment on this area, saying : “Look for this blabla because that blabla…”

We had a reunion with Els, Seb and I to reflect on this scouting topic, and those were more or less our conclusions/thoughts:

  • Pretty much every potential areas of Brussels have been covered, but we could extend the look in: part of Auderghem, Etterbeek, part of Uccle.
  • Schaerbeek has been scouted and seems having not so much potential (to small buildings), but when you look with a bird eye you see actually some plots have quite big extensions on their back side. We should look typically for shops/enterprises with big stocks behind.
  • Molenbeek gare de l’ouest and quartier Heyvaert has a lot of potential (comment above), it could be rescouted.
  • Laeken/Jette east hasn’t been so much researched.
  • Often what we see from the street is very different from what we see on online maps… It is helping to do a little prep work before to go on field : opening a satellite view (Google earth, Bing,…) together with CadGis gives already a lot of ideas on what to look at once you are scouting.

I am available Tuesday and Friday’s evening this week if you want to call about it.

On Friday I’m only available in the early evening. Shall we try to find a slot on Signal?

As for the Scouting Strategy #2 to me it does’t seem like something we can finish before the plenary next week, which is fine of course. Let’s talk and then pick it up at the next Team Building meeting?

I m good with this.
And also available on Friday early evening, what about 6:30 PM ? @anon78992831 ?

Hi, Sorry, i will not be available, but I agree with the method already mentioned, like finding potential sites (maps+street view+cadgis) and listing them on the new map so that anyone can scout them for real , try to find the owner and make a fiche. See you !


@anon78992831 could you please save a copy of the last mother map in the scouting coordination folder and let me know? TIA!

@Caro and @anon78992831 I made a first outline of the draft proposal in the scouting exercise folder (internal link). Would you be ok to have a quick look, complement and correct as you see fit, and then tag the rest of the team?

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Hi Lie, December’s mother map is still relevant. All that has happened since then is some rescouting. Bon week end, Seb

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Hi Lie and Seb !
I read the proposal of Scouting Strategy 2.0 and completed some parts : to me it is good for presentation in the next plenary.

What do you think @reef-building ?


Thanks a lot @Caro and @anon78992831!

One question I have is how we wil review progress. Could we maybe include 2-3 sentences and/or a couple of indicators?

Also a quick note: I moved the document to the “proposals” folder in the “Team Reef” folder.

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Hello @reef-building,

Quick summary of the follow-up points from the plenary meeting:

  • Need to find a way to address the concern about keeping the overview and measuring progress

  • First pilot scouting day to be carried out shortly, preferably when a clear set of instructions for the scouters is available

Do you think it is feasible to already set a date for that pilot scouting day?

hi @reef-building ,

Caro and myself worked on a manual linked with the new scouting strategy: (internal link).

Some data:

  • plenary this wednesday, but i am afraid there won’t be time and no review will have been done beforehand
  • next team building meeting: monday 15/04
  • scouting day : 21/04 where the scouters should have a look at : the mother map, the assignment/feedback file and the manual. It’s all pretty straightforward, but still some things to go through so personally would like to send it asap.

Except for caro and me, the other TB members are on a break, so would propose to have it reviewed by 2 non TB members and then send it out to every body?

One point i would like to have TB’s view on:
Should we only make fiches for sites that look abandonned, empty… ? (the remark sophie made)

remark: i tried to integrate the relevant parts of the old documents of Sebastien into this manual. I moved those documents to the OLD folder.

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Hello @els and @Caro,

Thanks so much for that!

On the making fiches on sites that are not empty: for me that’s a definite yes. We should scout as if we are carrying money in our pockets, and look for somebody who is willing to sell, even if the building is not empty :sweat_smile:

Other than that there are two things that are missing for me:

  • A proposal on how much everybody is expected to scout

  • A summary for dummies (I count myself): half a page that just says “look here, scout there, take a picture, fill in a fiche” => this is important because not all Reeflings are comfortable reading long documens

Can it be an option to do a pilot on the 21s of April, and then bring the finalised scouting strategy no 2 to the next plenary meeting?

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Ok, I can work on that, probably on Saturday.

I have in mind the goal would be for every reefling to scout twice a month. I just want to point out that this way of working needs some preparing from tb (scanning cadgis beforehand) , not sure TB will be able to handle that. But I do believe this is the way to go and that scouting is an important task at this stage of the project.

Thanks a lot for the finalisation Els :pray:t3:

  • A summary for dummies (I count myself): half a page that just says “look here, scout there, take a picture, fill in a fiche” => this is important because not all Reeflings are comfortable reading long documens

We wrote the 1st page in that sense, do you feel it is not yet clear enough ?
It is also not 100% clear to me what people should do, I would say it’s an investigation and we need to gather as much infos as possible. But how to do it is still a search to me…