Searching for sites online

B seems good to me - also something that might be interesting for other cohousings when we share our knowledge/discarded sites.


I would go for D


Option D (going outside of the 19 communes) is a no-go for two of the founding members, so this is not like making a 10% compromise on the Blueprint. For the sake of peace and predictability I would prefer to go slowly on this one. Let’s make a fiche by all means, but let’s not stir the boat if there is not strict need for it. Even just the idea of relaxing some Blueprint criteria by just 10% has made som Reeflings feel nervous, so easy does it for me on this one.


I would go for B, Linkebeek sounds far away to me.

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Hi @Angelika @Justin_N ,

I was asked to give a status (what’s going well, what to improve,…) on the online searching. Here is the status I prepared. It’s based on what we did the last month(s) and what we discussed in our last exchange. If I’ve forgotten sth or you have sth to add, let me know, or add it in the report.

thanks :slight_smile:


Good morning,
Thanks a lot for preparing this, looks good to me :slight_smile: !

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@reef-building , @Angelika
fyi: i will see with justin for a handover to me, to be seen later if sb extra can join the online searching or not…


Maybe suggest @Lieven if he’s interested ?


Interested in what exactly? I may have missed it, but i don’t understand the concrete question. It’s about joining something… :sunglasses:


Hi @Lieven , I am coordinating the online searching. I will contact you one of these days to give some more explanation about it …



a new fiche is made : UCC-05. For me the same question as for UCC-03 and JET-16 (‘Villa-land’). I added UCC-05 as well in that same question for the architects. So nothing to do for it for now…


Hello there,

For information: it is possible to look up the price per square meter on Immoweb. In this particular case the average net price is 5600 euro.


Being located in villa land, I believe that this means that it is rather unlikely that these will be sites that can be subject to an “option croisée” (e.g. because they are hard to sell), or even worse, that we wouldn’t be competing with commercial actors (these sites are like gold mines).

Not a criticism though. Never bad to collect information or have a fiche in the database.

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@reef-building ,

Just to let you know that there is a group now ‘The Reefs online search team’ (@reef-onlinesearchers )…


hi @reef-building ,

Just in case you are wondering ‘what’s up with the online searching, is it still being done?’.

the answer is ‘YES’, but for one reason or another, there haven’t been coming up any for sale sites that are worth making a fiche for.

  • Certain sites simply don’t offer any new sites for sale
  • Others do, but not fulfilling our criteria, or a fiche allready exists…
  • Citydev: no yet any message of a call for people interested in founding a cohousing
    => i wonder if I shouldn’t call them… Or the person who was in contact with citydev before?

Hallo Els,

Lee asked me to contact you

This is a request to join the group “Sarching for sites online”

Thank you

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@reef-building : new fiche from online searching: AND-Ch. Ninove 570, probably too expensive (3.000.000) but in this way it’s in our fiche factory…

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@reef-building : a new site from the online searching: AND-46. (i allready added a line in the scoring tab and the finding owner tab).
I would like to send it to the architects for a PFS, but could sb review my scoring?
I did a first scoring and it got a 3 as an overall score, so really promissing.


@Lee : no hurry, but this one can be unpinned as well

and @reef-building to make it official ‘the subcircle/subteam’ online searchers is dismantled as well
@alberto : the group ‘reef-onlinesearchers’ can be deleted …