Six months of Culture Squad v2.0. What next and looking for allies

I would really like that, and was going to suggest it too…

Is early next week good for everyone? Monday or Tuesday? I’m available both days,
And that gives us a chance to catch up!

I’m in! @bob @noemi

Sure I’m interested, if there is something I have to offer that could be of value. Not entirely sure what that would be at this moment…

Sure. Monday 7 January is possible for me. What about 14h CET 13h GMT?

Works for me, not sure about John as he’s in California? We’ll take notes anyway. @natalia_skoczylas @alex_levene?

Works for me

Great, thank you for the invite! suits me as well
In fact, a lot of unMonasterians have moved to Athens, so I could scout around to see if someone is still there and interested

I don’t have to be in the call. But if there is a reason to include me in later dealings or discussions, I’m happy to be part of it.

I could also do later in the afternoon 18h CET/17h GMT

I can do any time after 13GMT on Monday.
Happy to join in

No can do…
I suggest we do Monday 14 CET as we already have most confirmations and reassurance from John. skype?

Beware: that crowd has seriously fallen from grace with us, me in particular. The main difficulties, as I remember, were:

  • to get the unMonastery in Matera to align with the goals agreed between Edgeryders and its client (they attached more importance to other goals that emerged along the way). This created quite some tensions with the client.
  • to get some of the key people to deliver results (“what you can show with pride to a third party”), in time and without dropping the ball (stopping communicating at critical junctions, and leaving yours truly to clean up the mess).
  • to top it all, they allied with the guy who sequestered our bank account and legal data, so that we had to take legal measures to eject him from Edgeryders.

So, I would strongly advise against getting involved with the Matera crop of unMonasterians. The worlds is full of smart, hard-working people. No point asking for trouble.

OK, indeed we can find some interesting people everywhere :slight_smile:

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@bob @alex_levene @anique.yael @natalia_skoczylas gentle reminder, see you later today at 14:00 on skype. I’ll be around for sure <3

I will be online at 13h UK. Will you start the call?

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I’m still in another meeting but will join in when i can

Happy to help in any capacity. It looks like I missed the previous call, but will join the next discussion.

Hey Owen. I’m in Athens again 22-25 Jan though tied up a lot of the time. If you’re there would love to meet up and tell you what’s happening with Athens as European innovation capital. I’m working closely with the Vice-Mayor for Innovation and Society and the SynAthina team.

Sounds great, I will be here!

Hi guys,

@bob just a note to say that Jeff, our other member in Athens who would have been a great addition to your work there is unable to participate at this time. He is in Athens though so hoping you do get to meet.

Otherwise, how do you think it’s best to do this?
By the way, I just met Anthi Christou from Resilient Athens, as well as other people there and planning the international urban games event (training + festival format) end of October.

Should we make it so someone can come to the event in February? Let me know, would be happy to follow up.