SoSim board selection process

I checked in the statutes of Brutopia and De Spiegel (internal link). In both groups it’s point 4.3, where it says that it’s a decision by the GA with a 66% majority, excluding the household that is subject to the vote.

@reef-finance could you please look into how we can include an amentment to the statutes along the same lines?

isn’t this a question to the notary?

It’s certainly something that we’ll need to discuss with a notary or a lawyer, but for now it’s nevertheless important to understand the essence of it, because we need to what we’ll be telling the people who will be coming in.

Sophie has taken care of a machine translation. I am planning to make a post on the “Mark-model” (the specifics in the Spiegel statutes), but not before the end of the weekend.