Spiegel visit

Koen will be joining us as well.

For those who don’t know him: Koen is one of my best friends. He joined in June, but had to drop out because he lives in the middle of nowhere in the Antwerp countryside, and the distance was just too much. He would still like to buy a unit though, which he would then rent out to inclusive Reeflings until he retires (in 15 years or more). Therefore he needs to make decisions about what he would like his unit to look like, and so I figured it would be useful if he could join us.


Hello @reeflings (those who were there today - sorry I was too lazy to tag 18 people individually),

Would somebody be willing to write up a short report with some interesting facts, thoughts and impressions? It can be very short (see e.g. the one on the visit to Brutopia), but it’s always useful to have for the future.

When you write the report I recommend starting a new post, so we can tag it with “cohousing-knowledge”. Thanks in advance!


Hi all, I tried to summarise my notes and main points in this dedicated post (Visit to The Spiegel). Feel free to review/integrate/comment (for e.g I was not able to collect specific inputs from the architects when we visited the private units…). Many thanks @Sarah for organizing this visit!