Team Building: getting started

I’m on holliday from 20/7 until 6/8 (and maybe even until 15/8).

The rest should be OK, I do not often plan so long in front :slight_smile:

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Hi, ok for me including september

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if that works for everyone? I mean the 7pm - :heart: this message if yes :slight_smile:

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Hello, i just found this topic :slight_smile:

  • Would 19.30 work too? It would give a bit more flexibility to get there in time every time.
  • Mondays are the only days that I might arrive a bit later bc I’m busy until 19.15.
  • I cannot attend the first meeting on 27 July because I’m away from 20 to 31 July. The other meetings should be no problem.


Hi @reef-building
Just a quick note to say that i will be leaving the team building group, as don’t manage to do the work and dedicate time as i would like, at least not for now. @Sophie_Beese is aware. Will be focusing my efforts on the team finance. Thank you so much for the amazing work you are doing! and hopefully can continue ore on the scouting as of mid-August!


Hello lovely @reef-building people :slight_smile: I need your input for drafting the proposal on the decision which sites we send for a feasibility study (maybe I just don’t know because I wasn’t there on Sunday):

  • Is there a folder with the fiches that have been sent for a pre-feasibility study?
  • I would like to give an overview about where we are at: Does anybody have the following data? “At the time of writing, about xx of the west of Brussels has been scouted, xx fiches have been assessed, xx fiches have been sent for a pre-feasibility and the architects issued a positive opinion for xx sites.”

Thanks a lot for your help!

P.S.: Just so you know, I made a first draft of the proposal, @Sarah is now going to look at it and we will then ask some of you for further input/ a peer review :slight_smile:

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Hello Sophie,
About xx of the west of Brussels has been scouted, i will regularly post a photo of the motherboard showing the evolution of scouting.
See you, seb

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Hello @reef-building, I put a draft of our agenda in the usual document. Open to updates until Thursday :slight_smile: P.S.: Also, please put your name under “excused” if you can’t make it. Thanks!

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Hi sophie, I will attend the meeting on Thursday, but I cannot modify the document on Nextcloud.

Great! Will do!

Hi @Sophie_Beese , did Julien give you some feed back concerning pre-feasibility and architects issued for xx sites…?

No, not yet, but maybe we can fill in the blanks all together. Also, @reef-building, I have added a couple of points to our agenda, I am afraid it might be a long meeting, please bear with me :slight_smile:

Hi @reef-building , I’ve included some changes and comments in the proposal about site selection for feasibility studies.
Please have a look at it, and comment where need be (or edit but with track changes on).

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@reef-building, another (positive) update for our agenda tomorrow: The architects sent us 5 pre-feasibility studies :slight_smile: I put them in this folder. This should help us launch a pilot for a “real” feasibility study!


A post was split to a new topic: Process to select sites for feasibility studies

@reef-building, Me again. As just agreed at our meeting, let’s find a date for another Sunday of assessing fiches together. If possible, let’s pre-assess a few beforehand to speed up the process (and adapt it in the meantime).

  • Sunday 27.8
  • Sunday 3.9
  • Not available on both dates

0 voters

Hi @reef-building !
Just to let you know, I’ve prepared the fiches for l’Echappée and Brutopia; I’ve put them in the Fiches folder with the header ‘TEST - XX’ and I’ve made a new tab in the 'Scouting Follow up" folder :slight_smile:


@reef-building, just a quick update (apologies for the late notice) to let you know that we’ll be organising a short meeting tonight on the process to screen the fiches. Julien, Sébastien, Sophie and I will be there, but everybody is welcome of course.

I have also saved a copy of a simplified version of the scoring of the fiches in the “OLD” folder (called “screening the fiches”). I’m not trying to impose this, but I think it can be useful to clarify a couple of things about the criteria we set out for the site that we are looking for.


I won’t be able to join as I have an appointment with the kine at 20.00 h.


Hello @reef-building just a quick heads-up that the agenda is now complete. The main point will be about which sites to send on for pre-feasibility studies. Please have a look at the “yeses” (and if you have time, the “maybes”) in this table.

Things I have been wondering when scoring/evaluating:

  • What do we do with sites that have running businesses on them?
  • What do we do with sites for which a permit has (just) been issued?
  • What do we do with sites that are in fact several parcels (3-4)?

Other questions to discuss: Does the system/ranking in terms of noise pollution and flood risk need to be amended? Also pinging @Lee on this one.