I came across this page: Wij in de buurt – Cohousing Bijgaardehof
Consider that they are much larger than we are and have been in operation since September 2022.
From the list of activities:
About one activity per month
They keep a record of activities from before they opened
Great initiative Alberto! Did you receive any answer from restless.brussels? I agree with you that we need to increase the visibility of The Reef in the expat community.
Any of you know this organisation: cOarchi | Coarchi ? They seem to help some cohousing project to find suitable candidates for their projects.
Yes, we know them. They are basically a company that runs the project for you: find the site, recruit the group, facilitate the meetings etc. We decided to go self-managed, though.
Another idea: go for coffee with Alessandro Rancati, Brussels Chapter, New European Bauhaus, and explore what resources and networks they have. We are associated to the NEB already.
@Lee, your “crisis setup” could be framed as an innovation project and funded throught the NEB Facility (maybe…).
Update on this: it turns out the Brussels chapter of the New European Bauhaus is meeting on Jan 13 on Zoom. I signed up for the meeting, the event and Zoom link are on our shared meetings calendar on Nextcloud.
I had a look at BATIBOUW. It is happening from the 15 to the 23rd February. It looks like all the exhibitors will be professionals involved in construction or renovation (building materials, lighting, plumbing, pergolas, heating systems, interior decoration, etc…). More like finding compagnies for our building site.
They also have conferences and workshops for people interested in doing their own renovations.
Overall, I think that attending this fair could only be beneficial for both DIY enthusiasts and homeowners looking to hire professionals for their projects.
Yes, the only one that looks directly interesting to us is the one on façades végétales. Maybe we can just skip it. (moving these posts away as they are not about ECOLISE)
For information: we received an invitation by email from H&P to have a table at Salon Valériane (bio food and stuff). Would somebody be willing to send a polite reply?