TechBlick 24 - Sara [EN]

Did you ever own a car?


Are you car sharing or renting a car?

No. I’m mostly fan of public transportation and I’m living in Münster, so we are using bicycles a lot. Yeah.

Okay, then the next question. Do you have concerns about privacy and personal data stored in electronics in general? Phones, laptops and so on.

Yeah, I’m not that sensitive because I think I’m not that important person, that somebody can abuse it. But yeah, of course it could be important for most of people. Yeah.

Do you think are there general concerns about privacy and thinking about circular economy practice?

I didn’t get it. I didn’t get the question.

The circular economy practice. The other general issues or general concerns. Because in circular economy it’s starting to reuse, reuse, reuse for example.

So if there is any certain concern about this, I guess it’s not enough concern about this these days. But it’s getting better and better, I guess, compared to the last years at least. Yeah.

Does recycling and reusing mean different things to you?

Yes, reusing means that there is a product. You use it. Maybe another person use it and you try to not not transform it to anything new. But recycling means that you have to use some energy in between to transform it. For example, you recycle some materials, you have to divide different substances and you can make a new product out of it. So it’s completely different things. Yeah.

On a scale of 1 to 5, one means not at all concerned and five means extremely concerned. How concerned are you about issues of environmental waste and pollution?

What was it? The scale.

one Is not. and five is extremely concerned.

I can give four.

Yeah. Explain, please. So, so.

About reusing things in my private life. I try to do it and also with my family, with my friends. We try to not just throw away stuffs and of course we can buy it again. But we we think about it, how much energy is behind it and how much energy it will take if they want to recycle it or they want to just burn it away or something like this. Yeah.

What, if any, actions do you take in your life to promote sustainability?

just told about it. So sustainability. I don’t know, I’ve. I’ve no example like now.