The Reef "Christmas and New year" Party

Both systems are possible, and both have their pros and cons. So I would just need my marching orders (cause I badly screwed up last time I needed to Santa).

I think we just go to our giftee and give gift :slight_smile:

Hello Guys,

I am feeling quite sick now. I am sorry, I will not be able to come.

Have fun !


Hello, can anyone tell me what the address is please? I don’t see it in the calendar, unfortunately :disappointed:

That was a lovely party! Thanks a lot to all who made it happen!

Two very practical notes …

1. Santa gifts for our wider community

@reef-communitylife, did I understand correctly that you wanted to include our wider community, like e.g. a small box of chocolates for the confesseurs and the architects? If not, then I misunderstood, but if yes, can you please find someone to make this happen? (I live next to a chocolate shop, and Alberto lives near the meeting place for architects and confesseurs, so happy to help out if needed)

2. The Secret Santa miracle

I am a great Secret Santa fan, because I enjoy looking for a gift for someone, and I also enjoy the moment when we all unwrap our presents together.

The latter is a bit of a challenge, because it’s kind of unavoidable that a couple of Santas will need to cancel last minute, which leaves some people without a gift to unwrap.

This year there was a tiny Santa miracle thanks to @Caro @Quentin and @RyanB (and some gift recyling on my side), which made that everybody had something to unwrap. Thanks so much for that!

To make the miracle repeatable, I want to make a small mental note, hoping that the Edgeryders search function will help us out next year. So here’s two small hacks:

  • Don’t use an app, but manually assign Santas to giftees, and make sure that a copy of the master plan makes it to the party, so that we know who won’t have a gift in the moment;

  • Invite everybody who has one, to bring a gift that you received yourself (at another occassion), but which you are unlikely to use and which you will probably bring to the thrift store. With a bit of luck these make for excellent “emergency” gifts.