The unMonastery as the #LOTE3 venue: status update

I am in Matera as I write this. From where I sit I can see the future unMonastery through the window. Still beautiful, but still untouched: the renovation work has clearly not started yet. So:

  1. [antonioelettrico], [andrea.paoletti]: my understanding is that MIMERS is in charge of supervising the work. Am I correct?
  2. Can we have a status update? Every week or so, please? The best way to do it is to show up in the community Google Hangouts, which are held every Friday at 11.00 a.m. CET at this link. Start as soon as possible – ideally already Friday August 30th. If not, write a post here in the \#LOTE3 workspace.
  3. It is particularly important to communicate on this website (no email please), clearly and well ahead of time any deadlines for making decisions. Example: suppose the plumbers install the showers on Sept 10th, and suppose a decision has to be made on whether to install collective (sauna-style) or individual showers. The correct behavior in this situation is to create a task right away and call it "decision on showers needed by Sept 9th", so that people who are interested (like [Ben] or [immaginoteca], I suspect) can have a discussion about this. If no one decides, you (MIMERS) decide.
  4. You are authorized by Comitato MT2019 to talk directly to the City Hall, in particular to Roberto Cifarelli, about renovation. Keep Rossella Tarantino in cc, but don't call her and don't try to go through her: she has other priorities and has no time for this right now. If you get stuck sound the alarm. Don't make a hundred people come to an unfinished venue.

Can we count on you? :slight_smile:


Yes, you can count on me but I still miss some points.

Why the renovation is not started yet? Who is the responsible of the process?

Some architect is signing a project? Who is that architect and who pay him?

LET’S KEEP WORKING (will be there for the community call tomorrow!)

some answers

@Alberto. Sorry, but I didn’t know all this, and now that the things are more clearly, you can count on me.

Hi, guys. I try to answer all to some questions:

1) Mimers have developed the project posted on the platform of Edgeryders (measurements of the structure, drawings, design solutions, and so on…); we have defined the interventions to do in unMonastery (replacement and modification of plants, restoration of degraded parts, replacement of bathrooms, and so on…).

2) Mimers will evaluate the proposals of the community according to their feasibility and possibilities of the Municipality of Matera (this is the hardest part)

  1. There isn’t a construction manager, because the execution of the works will be managed directly by the Municipality

  2. In this moment there insn’t a specific day of starting works, but the municipal officer told us that the works will act at once (we hope!)

Next week we have an appointment at the Municipality for more information.

  1. Mimers, together with the community, will furnish unMonastery spaces.

We will update for future developments :slight_smile:


FYI, here is the budget. I thought I would make it public.

update on restoration works

Hi guys, just a quick update: finally I talked to Municipality! Now that schools are open, laborers can work for us!!!

I’ll call them back on Monday to fix a date for an inspection: in that way I hope they to give us a date of completion and specify which kind of necessary interventions will be able to do on time.