do we have an updated database?
Graphryder is now showing data updated on July 19th.
@alberto @melancon @jason_vallet @amelia @matthias @federico_monaco
I have no idea what “updated database” would mean in this context (I’m not in charge of keeping any databases up to date that are secondary to the database of Discourse.)
If there’s an issue with the Discourse database itself, please create a support topic in Support & Development. I’ll need more details then, though.
The Discourse database is up to date; this includes its Open Ethno tables. @jason_vallet is working his way through making GraphRyder work with it. That required developing APIs, which is done. It should be a matter of days before he manages to connect everything.
Just asking 'cause it would be great to show some view of Graphryder and or Tulip during the conf next week, but with the data not updated it isn’t worth it.
Please when ready update @federico_monaco
Hi Costantino,
we’ll do our best to try and make recent tags available, but as @alberto pointed out, the migration to Discourse changed how the data had to be accessed from GraphRyder.
The API is quite different from what we had. Fortunately, we were with Alberto last week in Copenhagen and got more info on how to get to tags. I am sure @jason_vallet will do his best to get things on rail, but we can’t make promises.
P.S. It seems GraphRyder can no more be accessed through the URL – maybe you know how to put this back in service?
Why? The concept stands. In fact, next week we are presenting at the Internet Science Conference exactly with July data. With the updated data you will see something very similar to what you see now: dense graphs, with hundreds or thousands of nodes.
I believe I know why Costantino pushes to have fresh data: so Federico could use posts/comments related to recent WeMake/Milano activities.
Hi there.
@melancon well said.
Exactly. I have been playing with Tulip highlighting some tags. The idea is to design a comparative study that tracks on one side the “stories”, on the other the networks generated by tags that include the same issues.
The peculiar position of observing enacted practices (like openrampette and MIR) in the hybrid space (online and on the field at WeMake) since april would make possible to compare and integrate different methods for a deeper analysis and understanding.
In the meanwhile, a complete and updated collection of data would make the difference by tracking online phenomena as collective activities from the beginning until now, at least on a visual side.
Moved this conversation to its own topic, since it branched off @louromainwatson’s example of using Graphryder.