Using Edgeryders Forms

This topic is a part of the webkit documentation. For complete documentation on how the Webkit works please refer to the webkit manual. This guide is specifically to help project managers set up forms on and webkit sites.


1. Introduction
2. Creating the form

3. Publishing the form

4. Step by step guide to use forms for events

1. Introduction

This software is for creating forms that “talk to” the Edgeryders platform and significantly simplifies the onboarding for new people.

It allows you to create any form that also can publish answers to a specific question onto a designated place on the platform. The answer is published under the person’s Edgeryders user name on the platform if they already have an Edgeryders account. If they do not already have an account a new one is created for them.

This is good because it enables us to do things like connect event registration with creating your first post. Or follow up events by having people comment a specific piece of text e.g notes from one session in order to get something else e.g access to the whole event report.

This software is a front end application written in Vue.js that has the following features:

  • Loads form templates remotely from the Discourse platform

  • Include forms on other Webkit sites

  • Publish the response to the Edgeryders platform

    • By authenticating the user through an existing account
    • By creating a new account
  • Publish the response to Airtable

This manual will provide an overview on how to create a form that will work with our forms directory

2. Creating the form

A form template is written in JSON. Before we start it is recommended to take a careful look at the default example form, as it includes most of the fields and configuration options available.

Click here for a step by step guide “How to set up Edgeryders Forms for Dummies”.

2.1. Configuration

The first part of the JSON determines how the form is configured: specifically the form title, introduction text, confirmation text, account creation text, and finally where to publish the form response.

Below is an example configuration object:

"config": {
    "title": "Title",
    "text": "Text",
    "logos": [
        "image": "edgeryders",
        "url": ""
        "image": "",
        "url": ""
    "confirmation": {
      "title": "Title",
      "text": "Text"
    "account": {
      "title": "I'm new here",
      "login": "Login button text",
      "text": "Text to explain account creation step."
    "partners": {
      "title": "In partnership with",
      "logos": [
          "image": "url_to_image",
           "url": "url_to_site"
    "publish": {
      "topic": 14202

Below is an overview of all the parameters available in the configuration block:

Parameter Value Description
title string The title of the form
text string or integer The introduction text of the form. This can either be a string of text or the content of another topic on the platform. If you want to display a topic, put the topic_id of the article you want to display. For example: 14281 will display the contents of that topic.
confirmation.title string The title of the confirmation section (appears on successful submission of the form)
confirmation.text string The text of the confirmation section (appears on successful submission of the form)
account.title string The title of the account creation section (appears above the form fields)
account.text string The text of the account creation section (appears above the form fields)
publish.topic integer The topic_id of the topic to post the response to. This will publish it as a post to an existing topic.
publish.category integer The category_id of the category to publish the response to. This will publish it as a new topic. Overrides publish.topic if specified.
publish.airtable integer The table_id of the airtable database to post the response to, see Posting to Airtable for more details on how this is configured.

These are all the configuration options for the form.

2.2. Fields

The second part of the JSON template determines the fields and questions to include in the form. Each field determines an input type in the form. Currently the form supports the following input types:

Below is an overview of all the parameters available in each field object:

Parameter Value Description
type string The type of field, accepted values: "text", "textarea", "radio", "select", "checkbox", "submit"
title string The title of the question
text string The text of the question, appears below the title or in the case of the checkbox, as the label of the checkbox
placeholder string The placeholder text inside the input field
options array Required for select and radio input types: the list of options to choose from
required boolean Set to true if this is a required field (the user must complete it in order to send the form)

A typical field object looks like this:

  "type": "select",
  "title": "Fourth Question",
  "text": "Optional text for fourth question",
  "options": ["option 1", "option 2", "option 3", "option 4"]

The submit field is an optional field for changing the text in the submit button:

  "type": "submit",
  "text": "My custom button"

3. Publishing the form

Once you have completed filing in the configuration and fields, you can publish the topic. Once published, note the topic_id of the configuration topic - this will also be the ID of the form. You can now see the form published by going to

For example, to see the example form with a topic_id of 14202, go to

You can now share the form with others to complete.

3.1. Using with the webkit

Forms can also be displayed inside Webkit sites. There are two options for doing this. The first is to embed the form inside a <Content> section. To do this, use the <form> tag with the data attribute set to the topic_id of the form configuration. For example, to embed form 14202:

<form data="14202" />

If you do not want the form to be visible on the page itself (it can take space and may not fit with the rest of the content), you can create a modal window that will appear on the page when a link is clicked.

The link must use the following markdown syntax:

[my link text](form:14481)

In this example 14481 is the form id. Use the appropriate form ID to embed a modal containing that form.

4. Step by Step guide for using forms for events

4.1. What are Edgeryders Forms used for with events?

Edgeryders Forms provide an easy access to join the platform and a specific conversation both for new and sporadically present community members who still have problems navigating the platform.

  • The idea is that the link to the “form” is the only instruction needed to get them onboarded to the event, conversation and platform.
    • Therefore an event form needs to include a description of the event that would serve as an introduction to the topic by itself and states that it is an event organised by Edgeryder + x collaborators.
  • Filling out the form does two things:
    • creating a new or logging into an existing account
    • Posting a comment in a thread defined in the form template
  • The goal of the form is not to generate a list of participants for the event. Registered event participants are everyone who has commented in the thread the form links to for the output posts. The link for the call will be sent via pm to everyone who has commented in that thread, which automatically includes all the ones who filled in the form as well as those who already were on the platform.
    • Therefore it is important to make sure to link the participant information sheet from the beginning in the post header that is linked to the outputs of the form (question here @nadia, should we link that output directly to the event page on the platform (like this one for Messina) or create a new thread? A new thread could generate confusion, linking directly back to the event page would prob best?)

4.2. The Output Thread

The form generates comments for a thread of your choosing. Make sure this thread includes:

  1. A link to the participant information sheet from the consent funnel edited to fit the event in question.

  2. The lines:

    • “All who comment on this post will receive the link for the event call.”
    • “Note that by attending that call you will consent to the recording and transcribing of the call for research purposes as described in the participant information sheet.”
    • “Do not share the link to the call directly but rather share this link if you want to invite someone (put the link to the form).”

4.3. How to set up the form

  1. Go to the example form / template, enter edit mode and copy all of the text.

  2. Create a “New Topic” in the Workspace and Webcontent-Sandbox category

  3. Paste the copied text.

  4. Now you can check the preview at new topic number

  5. Redirect the output of the form:Change the “topic” number in the configuration (for example “topic”: 14202) to the number on the end of the URL of the Output Thread you created.

  6. Edit, copy, delete or adjust the texts in the different fields as you need and check the results in the preview. Remember to include an event description that could stand on its own on the top and mention the organisers (edgeryder + collaborators)
    If you want to include the full text of an existing article or event post in the upper text area of the form, you can just enter the number of the topic and all of it will be displayed formated. see example here

  7. Once you are satisfied with your form, you can edit the WebKit page (like this one Messina District Webinar - Webkit [XML]) to include the form. > Enter edit mode in the WebKit post of your event and add/edit towards the end of the post.

4.4. Obtaining e-mail addresses of respondents

You can obtain a list of the usernames and e-mail addresses of people who filled in the form, for example to send them event tickets or other communication you promised. Instructions:

  1. Make sure you are a Discourse moderator or admin, or otherwise ask a moderator or admin to do this process for you. (We cannot give access to this tool to others for privacy regulation reasons, because it enables access to the e-mail addresses of all users on the platform.)

  2. Visit the data explorer query “Users: topic contributors, with e-mail”.

  3. Into the text field “topic_id”, enter the topic ID of the form’s output topic. This is the number you see in the browser’s address bar when visiting the output topic.

  4. Click ▸ Run.

  5. Transfer the results to your e-mail software in any of the following ways:

    • If you want to use bulk e-mailing software like Mailchimp, it is best to click CSV, save the CSV file and upload it in that bulk e-mailing software as a new mailing list.

    • If you want to write an e-mail with Thunderbird (and possibly other e-mail clients, perhaps including webmail clients), the simplest option is to select the table cells with relevant addresses with Ctrl + drag (for one range) or Ctrl + click (to add or remove individual cells), then to copy this to the clipboard and insert it into the “Bcc:” address field of your e-mailing software. If all e-mail addresses are now separated with a comma (or comma and space), it worked. This looks good, for example:,,

These instructions rely on a custom query for the Discourse Data Explorer plugin. If you need similar queries to extract data from Discourse, you can have similar Data Explorer queries created for you. See our Discourse Admin Manual in section “6.3. How to create a Data Explorer query?”.


@noemi @kajafarszky @MariaEuler @johncoate @estragon @alberto @hires @roremote this is important to familiarise yourself with ahead of our future event organisation.

This is for creating forms that “talk to” the Edgeryders platform and significantly simplifies the onboarding for new people.

It allows you to create any form that also can publish answers to a specific question onto a designated place on the platform. The answer is published under the person’s Edgeryders user name on the platform if they already have an Edgeryders account. If they do not already have an account a new one is created for them.

This is good because it enables us to do things like connect event registration with creating your first post. Or follow up events by having people comment a specific piece of text e.g notes from one session in order to get something else e.g access to the whole event report.



yes we can thank @owen for this excellent work. With support from Matt and Hugi.


@owen, could you have a form on-boarding with us?

@marina, @noemi, me, @johncoate and maybe more would be interested. When would suit you?

We would propose the 31st of August. Would that work for you @owen.

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Two Questions:

  1. For NGI event registration forms, could we please add tick boxes for the field in which people work with these cathegories?

scientific community, industry, civil society, general public, policymakers, medias, investors, other EU projects, other

  1. Can we have active links in the questions? e.g. could we link the participant information sheet instead of having the full text there?

1 - The tick boxes are added as fields - familiarise yourself with the documentation, and try to make a form - if you can’t or there is a block I can help set it up if needed.

So a check box field would be configured like this:

“fields”: [
“type”: “checkbox”,
“title”: “Fifth Question”,
“text”: “Label for fifth question”

You can then add as many as you like. Or if you would like a drop down list:

“fields”: [
“type”: “select”,
“title”: “Fifth Question”,
“text”: “Label for fifth question”,
“options”: [“scientific community”, “industry”, “general public”]

2 - I will have to check but I think you can put links inside the questions text. If not, it’s simple enough to enable.

Looks very nice, thanks for making it Owen!

I like that all the responses go to the same thread, giving clear overview of participants,


I also want to thank @owen for setting this up, and also for having a quick call with me today to get me up to speed using it and to add the consent funnel default.

However, before the meeting today I felt the need for a “quick, easy and dirty version for non-developers” of how to set up these forms step by step, so here based on our call today:

How to set up Edgeryders Forms for Dummies:

  1. Go to the example form / template, enter edit mode and copy all of the text.
  2. Create a “New Topic” in the Workspace and Webcontent-Sandbox category
  3. Paste the copied text.
  4. Change the “topic” number in the configuration (for example “topic”: 14202) to the number on the end of the URL of your new topic.
  5. Now you can check the preview at Edgeryders Forms topic number*
  6. Edit, copy, delete or adjust the texts in the different fields as you need and check the results in the preview.
  7. Once you are satisfied with your form, you can edit the WebKit page (like this one Messina District Webinar - Webkit [XML]) to include the form. > Enter edit mode in the WebKit post of your event and add/edit towards the end of the post.

If the preview does not display, there is probably a small mistake somewhere in the form post, like a missing comma.


Ok so is the one for the event in September working now? @owen @mariaeuler

@nadia Yes, @MariaEuler set it up here - Messina District Webinar Sign-up Form

I just added the consent requirement at the bottom as a required field.

Now we just have to replace the participant information sheet with the details of this event.

@nadia, could you have a look if any details would need changing from this sheet (like project code, is it NGI etc.:

ok here we go @MariaEuler: Participant Information Sheet for online events

@andreja can you add in a comment here the exact text/logo/communication guidelines stuff that needs to be included in climate kic funded projects?

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Great will be added in today.

I sent it to @estragon and you,, with the logos and everything (it is enough to write Supported by: and add the C-KIC logo with the EU flag. Plus; Minimum size for print, 14 mm, Minimum size for web36 px. Primary typeface is Titillium and the secondary is Calibri…). Also, @owen added it to Edgeryders.

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Ok - @owen these are two additional things that forms need to have by default:

  1. The standard footer/disclaimer (the text and links below, but no logo as different forms will be tied to different projects)

Screen Shot 2020-08-20 at 09.08.26

  1. A “with support from” section above the footer for addition of multiple logos that always adhere to the same size ( 36 px)


Some question to do with multilingualism/localisation for these forms (note: this is not a request for any changes @owen and @matthias - also @hugi you might be interested to know this ):
Let’s say we want to produce translations of a form page so as to direct it to different audiences

  1. Is it possible at the moment in the current state of the code to have multiple instances of the actual form bit that have the same functionality, but have different language texts on the actual form sections, questions and buttons? More specifically these:

Screen Shot 2020-08-20 at 09.26.53

Screen Shot 2020-08-20 at 09.26.59

Screen Shot 2020-08-20 at 09.27.14

Using Edgeryder Forms for events - Step by step guide:

1. What are Edgeryders Forms used for with events?

Edgeryders Forms provide an easy access to join the platform and a specific conversation both for new and sporadically present community members who still have problems navigating the platform.

  • The idea is that the link to the “form” is the only instruction needed to get them onboarded to the event, conversation and platform.
    • Therefore an event form needs to include a description of the event that would serve as an introduction to the topic by itself and states that it is an event organised by Edgeryder + x collaborators.
  • Filling out the form does two things:
    • creating a new or logging into an existing account
    • Posting a comment in a thread defined in the form template
  • The goal of the form is not to generate a list of participants for the event. Registered event participants are everyone who has commented in the thread the form links to for the output posts. The link for the call will be sent via pm to everyone who has commented in that thread, which automatically includes all the ones who filled in the form as well as those who already were on the platform.
    • Therefore it is important to make sure to link the participant information sheet from the beginning in the post header that is linked to the outputs of the form (question here @nadia, should we link that output directly to the event page on the platform (like this one for Messina) or create a new thread? A new thread could generate confusion, linking directly back to the event page would prob best?)

2. The Output Thread:

The form generates comments for a thread of your choosing.
Make sure this thread includes:

  1. A link to the participant information sheet from the consent funnel edited to fit the event in question.
  2. The lines:
    * “All who comment on this post will receive the link for the event call.”
    * “Note that by attending that call you will consent to the recording and transcribing of the call for research purposes as described in the participant information sheet.”
    * “Do not share the link to the call directly but rather share this link if you want to invite someone (put the link to the form).”

3. How to set up the form:

  1. Go to the example form / template, enter edit mode and copy all of the text.
  2. Create a “New Topic” in the Workspace and Webcontent-Sandbox category
  3. Paste the copied text.
  4. Now you can check the preview at new topic number
  5. Redirect the output of the form:Change the “topic” number in the configuration (for example “topic”: 14202) to the number on the end of the URL of the Output Thread you created.
  6. Edit, copy, delete or adjust the texts in the different fields as you need and check the results in the preview. Remember to include an event description that could stand on its own on the top and mention the organisers (edgeryder + collaborators)
  7. Once you are satisfied with your form, you can edit the WebKit page (like this one Messina District Webinar - Webkit [XML]) to include the form. > Enter edit mode in the WebKit post of your event and add/edit towards the end of the post.

What I’ll do is make the button text configurable (this is already the case for the account and confirmation text) - this way a form can be translated into any language - with each translated version saved in a standalone topic.

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@nadia @MariaEuler

I’ve added an option to include logo(s) - multiple ones along with the Edgeryders logo if needed.

The footer is now there, and there is an optional partners section - the example form includes all these.

Also the login text is now configurable, so theoretically you can change the entire form language - the only things that would stay in English are now the footer and the error messages.