Potentially useful upcoming event for us @andreja Have you attended any of their events before?
Seems it will be possible to organize bilateral networking meetings through the B2Match platform prior to the event.
Not this one, but I participated at Commission’s networking events (H2020, LIFE) and it is always useful. I am planning to attend the European Research and Innovation Days because there will be also an opportunity to find potential project partners for the Green Deal Call. Maybe you can try with them and I with EU R&I Days… but we should also see for which topics exactly.
I registered to this event, I think it might be good. The thing is I’m not familiar with the Green Deal Call. Can you share some info with me, what place is best to look to get the basic knowledge of the programme?
If by the end of October when this is happening you’ll filter some topics for us that would be also useful.
I posted here on the platform all the information so you can check, Green Deal: a €1 billion H2020 call launched! https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_20_1669
And here is everything about the Horizon Europe - the next research and innovation framework programme that will launch in 2021, https://ec.europa.eu/info/horizon-europe-next-research-and-innovation-framework-programme_en. The programme and the results of an online consultation will be discussed at the European Research and Innovation Days.
Yes, I signed up for that session too. We could do a write up afterwards and make a plan for us