Welcome Community Service of Nepal!

preliminary answer

Hi trythis,

I was just telling myself lastnight that I need to update you on how things have gone on following your suggestions and to update everyone on what we are doing.

I will get that done later today. I am personally in a nursing home in the USA after a total knee replacement surgery, so between recovering from that and trying to help with the Nepal situation as much as I can, I don’t always get to everything as quickly as I would like.

I will have a complete answer with photos later today/



More Complete Reply

Hi Trythis,

I typed up a big response to you, with photos, when the whole thing disappeared before I could post it - TWICE!!!

Here goes my third try…At the moment, most of our efforts are focused on getting temporary shelter to the over 900 completely homeless households in the Dhuskun community. Experience has shown that tents and lean-tos made of tarpaulins simply blow away during the monsoon thunderstorms that have begun to hit with increasing frequency. We followed your lead on potential sources of Corrugated Galvanized Iron (CGI) sheets, as well as lighter plastic versions of corrugated roofing sheets, and we were offered a wonderful price by a company in Fushan, China, who wanted to help the victims of the earthquake disaster. However, The company in China did not want to take responsibility for shipping the roofing sheets into Nepal due to the chaotic conditions and damaged roadways there. In the end, after looking into shipping and weighing in the time needed for delivery as well as the cost, we decided to go with a local supplier of metal CGI sheets. (We will go with the Chinese supplier as soon as shipping becomes feasable. Maybe in the permanent shelter phase of recovery. We were able to purchase 60 bundles of 12 sheets, which is enough for about 60 shelters. Unfortunately, that leaves 800 families in the same community sitting under the sky in the heat and the thunderstorms. Here are photos of some of the people we have not yet been able to help.

In response to your suggestions about the more permanent housing methods for after the immediate crisis is over… we are still leaning heavily toward the Superadobe method, since it has already been successful at surviving the major earthquakes in Nepal, and involves extremely few building materials. Your point about field rock being their most abundant building resource gave me pause… Maybe it is difficult to dig up dirt that is not full of rocks there. More research is needed to make sure that such a dirt-rock mixture can be used in superadobe construction. The Tencate suggestion seems like a valuable lead.

We had tried to implement hexayurts after the Jure landslide disaster, but ran into the problem of complying with the stringent anti earthquake building regulations in Nepal. We had an engineer volunteering to modify the hexayurt design to make it earthquake-proof, but that did not go anywhere. Kind of ironic.

Anyway, in the meanwhile, people in the Dhuskun area of Sindhulpachok are getting food aid and some tarpaulins from a group of nonprofits.Unfortunately, the tarpaulins have been blowing away in the monsoon thunderstorms. Madhav has been helping to distribute the aid. Here are two photos from that endeavor.

Today, a group of Nepali nonprofits have assembled with the CGI sheets from Communtiy Service of Nepal and 100 building experts, to take the CGI sheets and incorporate them into shelter for the chosen 60 families of the community. Photos will follow. That does, however, leave 800 families without shelter.

If you would like to help us provide the CGI sheets needed to make durable temporary shelters for these people, please send your donations directly to the Community Service of Nepal bank account in Nepal. Here is the information:

Sunrise Bank Limited, Taukhel, Godavari, Lalitpur, Nepal,

Account name: Community Service of Nepal,

Account number: 03610275443011


The big new problem we are encountering is that our source of donations from the USA has completely dried up since the Nepal earthquake is no longer anywhere on the news. Any help or ideas with fundraising would be a great help at this time. I sent emails to the Boards of Directors of the steel manufacturers, highlighting the pr angle. We are writing letters to celebrities, governments, businesses, anyone we can think of, but so far no offers of help have come in, except for the roofing manufacturer in Fushan, China. I was not even able to get a quote from DHL on shipping the roofing materials into Nepal, however. I have learned from past experience that there are only a few companies that can ship reliably into Nepal. I sent Madhav a camera last year, and it disappeared out of the mail service before it got there.


Thanks so much for the feedback!

I am really sorry this took away so much of your time (I just hate losing a post in submission). Also, I hope all goes well with the new knee!

I have to be careful not to wear down my teeth too much when reading how the situation is. I really don’t know how to begin. My impression is that there are so many things aggravating the situation it’ll be a long, hard, and steep road to work up for the people there. The earthquake(s) could have been much more devastating, but still any bit of damage in Nepal goes right into the substance of what the people have to survive on, while time is not on their side. And it’ll be really hard to quickly fix anything from the outside, working through the constricted bottleneck of logistics - with the unnecessary bureaucratic issues heaped on top. All the time media interest is dwindling quickly. Perhaps you’ll find more of an open ear at UPS and FedEx than DHL (honestly, I am not surprised they weren’t very helpful). The logistics to rural Nepal are probably on par with lifting something to low earth orbit and just dropping it there. I do understand the Chinese manufacturer playing it safe. I know some people in intermodal freight and that location must be challenging on a good day - now it looks like you need a whole different set of skills and connections

Regarding the tarpaulins - yeah I expect they are pretty frustrating to live under if you are not just doing some fair weather camping. Still, if there is enough cordage they should be better than nothing, and are relatively easy to get to the places that have an immediate need. There are many videos on how to tie them down effectively - which may help if that is not something the local know already. Of course the CGI is what you really want - but it’ll need more time I am sure.

Regarding the @hexayurt I would be interested to piggyback in case Vinay has some time to look into the matter more closely. If I know what the typical hold-ups are in detail, I can help much more effectively. Unfortunately it smells a bit like mental lethargy that they wouldn’t jump on the topic. Even if they were only up for a couple of months - there’s a good chance they’d have dragged in a lot of support (and donations) in their wake. Ah well, such is life. Small steps.

Superadobe should also work with some rocks at least. It seems to have the charm that you don’t need a very specialized workforce to get going on it either - which seems to be an advantage compared to the Holcim foundation approach (perhaps that would make more sense later in the reconstruction effort). If I can think of other things to help I’ll holler. Thanks for your detailed reply! It is much appreciated.

Construction of Shelters in Sindhulpachok

I have finally got back the photos from the construction of shelters in Dhuskun, Sindhulpachok.

Last weekend, a force of 100 volunteer builders converged with the 60 bundles of corrugated galvanized iron (CGI) that Community Service of Nepal was able to provide so far. They built shelters for the neediest members of the community, as selected by the village leadership. Unfortunately, that leaves 850 households without help so far, but we are actively working on securing the funds for the CGI needed to build shelters for them, as well.