Welcome from your other weird host. Maria's story :) Art+Science+Communication

Hello I am Maria,

I am here at Edgeryders and the Human Internet project in particular as a community manager. I also build electromagnetic sculptures, collaborate with physicists to teleport art pieces in virtual galleries or do inclusive design research to lower entry barriers for information, services and educational applications.

I love to participate in and facilitate interdisciplinary communication and exchanges. Therefore I am excited about the type of community-driven research here at Edgeryders.

I have an inherent urge to find points of connections between topics and people thinking about those topics, which I call being a “compulsive connector”. I love to recommend books and texts as well as potential collaboration or conversation partners. If you want to discuss an idea or help to formulate headlines, concepts or questions to connect to other people to make your project grow I am very happy to help.

After my A-levels I started studying physics in Heidelberg, with the naive goal to understand everything, to than decide to change to fine art in Dresden to have more time to appreciate the beautiful models and think about their implications, from where, after participation in the FAST programme (Framing Art Science and Technology) I went to the RCA in London to do a Master in “Information Experience Design” to focus more on the design and development of “Entry Points” and “points of Connection” for others combining the approaches and tools of fine art, design, new technologies and scientific models.

I conceptualised, realised and exhibited multiple interactive sculptures and installations across Europe and worked as a UX design researcher for example with the Helen Hamlyn Centre for design or for the financial education startup “Gimi”. In 2018 I relocated to Stockholm and am now an artist in residence at the comunity and culture hub “Blivande”.

If you are interested you can find some of my artistic works on my website mariaeuler.com.

Since 2010 I have lived in 6 different cities and 3 different countries in Europe and I very much appreciate being able to do that and the experiences and encounters I had and have while still being able to keep contact to my friends from school and later university across borders. However, sometimes I am questioning the effect of being disconnected from long term political and cultural discussions and participation due to this “modern nomad” lifestyle shared by so many of our generation, which is another reason I hope we can help to develop this more human-centric internet here at the Human Internet project. I believe strongly in international collaboration, exchange and friendships and hope we can help to create systems that lives up the reality of the transnational lifes we are leading.

I am looking forward to more communication,



Edgeryders is a multilingual platform, therefore I will add a short version in my mother tongue as well:


Ich bin Maria und bin hier auf Edgeryder als Community Manager. Sonst bin ich interdisziplinäre Künstlerin und mache Design Forschungsprojekte.

Ich habe nach dem Abitur angefangen Physik in Heidelberg zu studieren, dann jedoch in Freie Kunst gewechselt um mehr Zeit und Freiraum zu haben für die Schönheit und Implikationen wissenschaftlicher Modelle. Schließlich habe ich meinen master in “Information Experience Design” am Royal College of Art in London gemacht.

Ich konzeptualisiere und realisiere interactive Installationen die Kunst und Wissenschaft verbinde und stelle diese aus. Außerdem habe ich als Design Researcher mit dem Helen Hamlyn Center für Design und zum beispiel füf das Finanzielle Bildung startup “Gimi” gearbeitet.

Ich habe in den letzten 10 Jahren in 6 Stödten in 3 Ländern gelebt und es ist sehr wichtig für mich nicht nur Kontakt zu den menschen zu halten die ich dort treffe, sonder auch nicht den Anschluss and politische und kulturelle Diskussionen zu verlieren. Ich hoffe wir könne hier daran arbeiten Systeme zu entwickeln die modernen Lebenswirklichkeiten und menschlichen Werten entsprechen.

Derzeit lebe ich in Stockholm.

I verbinde gerne Themen und Menschen und helfe Konzepte, Fragen und Überschriften zu formulieren um andere zu erreichen damit Projekte wachsen können.

ich freue mich mit euch zu kommunizieren und zu forschen,


Maria, meet @Richard, researcher at UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies, and a team member in Wellbeing in Europe.
He spent a few good years in Berlin a while back and is very much interested in the German side of socio-political issues in Europe, which is why he’s seeing an opportunity to build a German language community in the project(s). Also speaks German!

Just wanting you to meet, since we’ll be working across in our projects :slight_smile:

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Thank you @noemi for the introduction.

@Richard Ich freue mich darauf zusammenzuarbeiten :slight_smile:

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Hallo Maria! Ich freue mich auch darauf, mit dir zu arbeiten. Ich schreibe im Moment mein Story über Gesundheit für die Care Stories Kategorie. Ich habe seit langem nicht auf Deutsch geschrieben. Ich hoffe, dass es Sinn macht!

Wunderbar! Ich freu mich schon auf deine Geschichte.

Ich selber habe in den lezten Jahren auch meist auf Englisch geschrieben, vorallem was professionelle Themen angeht. Interessant wie sich das Gefühl für die Sprache verändert. (und für die deutsche Tastatur, der Austausch von y und z macht mich verrückt)