Welcome to the June Exploring Members!

New members cannot add themselves to the @reef-external group… normally Lie does it superfast, but she is on a break. As I started to write this post, there were only two people in the group. I have since added seven more. So, dear exploring members, please read this thread starting from the very top (just scroll up)!

EDIT I meant @reef-exploring of course.


Thanks @alberto !
Actually, it’s me or Mieke who normally add new members to the Edgeryders groups, so no need for you to do it at the moment :slight_smile: And I know you’re all excited and motivated about Team External at the moment, but new members are added to ‘Reeflings group’ and the ‘Exploring Members group’, not @reef-external group :sweat_smile:


For those @reef-exploring members who were not at the Q&A on Thursday evening, if you were at the 6 June presentation, the deadline regarding applying for associate membership has shifted from 3 July to 8 July. This is to give you the chance to see the confesseurs on the 7th (see link to post above) before making your decision…


Me again :slight_smile:

If you’re a @reef-exploring member who now has an Edgeryders account, you will probably have received a notification about the plenary meeting post for Monday. But if not, and you are just following this thread for the time being, here it is: Plenary meeting – 01/07/2024


There is a new thread for the sociocracy and facilitation trainings that will run in July: Basic sociocracy & facilitation training - July 2024


Hi @reef-exploring (and maybe also @reef-associate )

Probably for some of you the question raises ‘what are the chances that i will have the unit that I wish for, when it comes to size (studio -1 bedroom / 2 bedroom / 3 bedroom /…)?’
We don’t know the straight answer to that, but here is some info that might create a better view on that.

  • With the last FS of the site in Jette, the architects allocated a total surface of 1905 m2 of apartments and 190 m2 of common spaces
  • If we maintain an average of 85 to 90 m2 per apartment, we end up with 20-22 units
  • We need to maintain a proportion of 1/3 of 1 bedroom or studio’s , 1/3 of 2 bedroom and 1/3 of 3-4 bedroom apartments. Having said that, the architects indicated that there is a certain margin and said that e.g. 6 three-bedrooms, 8 2-bedrooms and 7 or 8 1-bedrooms would very likely pass. (This could as well be 7 three-bedrooms, 8 2-bedrooms and 6 1-bedrooms)
  • In this file, you can see what full members, associate and exploring members indicated as their wished unit.
  • After deducting the full members whishes, this leaves 4 three-bedrooms, 3 two-bedrooms and 3 to 4 one-bedroom apartments (if we would respect the above division: 6 3bedr/ 8 2bedr /7 or 8 1bedr)
  • There is also our wish to have an extra 2 inclusion units. These have not yet been deducted, as we are busy finding the investors. They will most likely be studios or 1 bedroom apartments.

Hope to have created some clarity with this post…



I notice in the bullet points you don’t mention ‘studios’ separately anymore.

Does that mean the amount of studios is counted within the amount of 1 bedroom appartements?


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studio’s and 1 bedroom apartments belong to the same category, same as with 3 and 4 bedroom apartments

As mentionned already, exploring member are invite to join us (at the end our common meeting).
At 1pm - Marie from l’Echappé will make a tour of their commun spaces - then we will have lunch / or discuss together at BE.THERE. Who is coming ? Be on time, it’s a short visit :wink:

  • I’ll will come at 1pm for the visit of commun spaces
  • I’ll will stay for the lunch
0 voters

won’t be able to make it, have fun!

Hi @reef-exploring,

On Thursday 11/07 we will be visiting a cohousing in Laeken. Can you let us know if you will be joining? Visit to Tivoli - #23 by Sarah

See you soon!

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I would have loved to come but I will be in Asia until the end of the month. I hope to have another opportunity in the future. Have a good time!


Hi, neither Christian nor I will be able to come on Thursday but a friend of mine lives in Tivoli so we know the place already. Enjoy the visit !


Hello @reef-exploring,

Changing the deadline for applications to 13 July

We have planned a Full Members meeting on the 15th of July where we would like to consent to the membership applications. This is why we would like to propose to move the deadline for applications to 13 July.

If you attended the presentation of the 20th of June that means the deadline comes a little earlier than we had said. If this is a problem for you, we would be very grateful if you could fill in the onboarding documents by the 13th, and then send your application at the very latest by the 17th.

Process for applying to become an Associate Member

The process is described at the end of the first post in this thread. In sum you need to fill in the onboarding documents and send a simple email saying something like “I / we would like to apply to become an Associate Member”.


Entering The Reef can be a bit of an overwhelming experience. Please don’t hesitate to contact our buddies (see list in the first post) on Signal or Whatsapp!


If you’d like to see what’s coming up next, you can have a look at the Nextcloud calendar. The next plenary meeting will take place on 23 July.


Hello @Lee, do you think it would be possible to have a small talk to somebody about the onboarding ? I’d rather talk to somebody instead of writing a mail…
Thank you very much!


Hi Kath :slight_smile: I’m tagging @Sophie_B, who has agreed to be your buddy…

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That’s great, thanks a lot Chris !

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Oups, @ChrisM I forgot the @

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Hi @reef-exploring members !

Yet another couple of pieces of information for you, as you make your decisions about whether to continue to the next stage of the Reef.

Firstly, it is often the case that new members wonder if they can find the time in their already busy schedules to contribute to a project like this, particularly those with young children. If this is something that has come up for you, this document might help: Login – Nextcloud. It outlines the commitment that members are expected to make, but also how to be a part of the project if this is just not possible. It is important to note that building the Reef is a lot of work, and we need people who will participate in the various teams and tasks. Having said that, we want to balance this with being inclusive, particularly when it comes to people with care duties…

Secondly, in the associate membership stage, we will be reverting to our system of assigning a Full Member buddy to each new household, so that you have a person to talk to, ask questions or raise issues with. Until then, a member of Team Recruitment and Onboarding will be reaching out to each Exploring Member household, to check in and be available as a ‘temporary buddy’… :slight_smile:


Hey everybody, I just had a phone call with @Sophie_B to tell her my decision not to continue with the project. I realised that it’s above my financial possibilities and so I have to leave the Reef. It’s with a grateful heart for the rich experience and meeting you nice people that I’m quitting the common way.
I’m still really excited about the Reef, it’s a beautiful project, and I hope that you’ll have a lot of joy besides all the work and concern in it’s realisation! I’m following the progress with the help of the newsletter and I’d be happy seeing you around!
Take care of each other and all the best for you,