Welcome to the June Exploring Members!

This is post will be edited as new questions, documents or information comes in, so that the post can continue to serve as the first entry point to welcome new exploring members.

Last update: 11/07/2024, to adjust the deadline for June Exploring Members to 13 July

Hello and welcome to the new Exploring Members!

As our onboarding process is undergoing some changes, things are a bit more chaotic than they used to be. The purpose of this post is to help you navigate the most important things to get started as a Reefling.

Key documents

Key documents can be found at the top of the forum. You’ll find there the Blueprint, the slide deck, the Governance Document etc.

After reading the Blueprint, the next document we dearly recommend is the Onboarding Manual, which explains a couple of essential things about how The Reef works.


We really like to use email as little as possible, so we’d be really grateful if you could make an account here and just join in in the posts.

You’ll find a short explanation on how to create an account in the Edgeryders manual.


We use Signal as our instant messaging app, and have a couple of groups that we could add you to. If you’d like to be added, please reach out to Chris.


The entry point to Nextcloud is one of the 27 mysteries of The Reef. This is the link: Login – Nextcloud

You will receive an account that will give you access once you have filled in the survey.

If you need further help, you can consult the Nextcloud manual in the Onboarding Package, or send a message to one of the thematic buddies.

Summer schedule

If you’d like to join us for an event, you can check the summer schedule for the dates, or look at the Nextcloud calendar.

Onboarding Package

One part of the Onboarding Package can be accessed by everybody (publicly accessible link), while some other documents are for Reeflings only. The latter you can find by going to Nextcloud > The Reef shared folder > Onboarding.


If you have a little question or need help with something, you are welcome to reach out to the Reeflings who signed up to be thematic buddies. The list of people can be found in the Onboarding Package > Buddies (internal link).

Estimating the size and price of your unit

In the Onboarding Package on Nextcloud (publicly accessible link | internal link) you can find a couple of documents to help you with this. Don’t hesitate to reach out to the buddies if you need help!

How to become an Associate Member

To apply to become an Associate Member you need to do the following:

  • Create an account on Edgeryders

  • Join an event (social event, plenary meeting) => see our summer schedule for dates, and don’t hesitate to reach out to the buddies.

  • Fill in the onboarding documents

  • Send us an email to apply before the deadline: 13 July end of day


Hi everyone! And welcome, looking forward to meeting you all!

It’s not clear for the moment what you get notifications for, so I thought I would point you to a post that could be interesting to you, about visiting existing cohousings: Team Community Life: what is it for? - #4 by SophieC
We will try to make some visits happen on our side as well, we will keep you posted.

And also on that same thread, you will be able to see when the social events are planned (see the first post) and new events will also be posted there throughout the summer. A good opportunity to get to know everybody!


Hi and a warm welcome to all the new Exploring Members from the June presentations. We’re really looking forward to meeting you at one of the plenary meetings or social events in the next couple of weeks :slight_smile:

For your information, there will be the possibility to talk with our confesseurs about your financial situation in relation to the size of apartment you are interested in on 7 July. More information about this can be found on this thread: Meeting confesseur on Sunday, 7 July in Brutopia



Welcome from me, too. Congraulations to @kath for finding her way here, putting in a request to access the group, everything in order!


Hi again @reef-exploring members !

A few reminders and helpful bits of info:

  • Slides 47-50 of the presentation (which you received a link to in the email the following day) are the current guidelines for the onboarding process in the exploring membership phase. You may have come across a checklist in the ‘Onboarding package’ folder on Nextcloud, but this is a bit out of date and is currently being reworked.

  • For those of you that couldn’t make the Q&A session on Saturday, there will be another one on Thursday evening this week. The time and link to the online session can be found on the Nextcloud calendar.

  • There will be a plenary meeting on 1 July, and you are welcome to attend as an observer, to get a sense of how we work together. The location hasn’t been set yet, but there will be a specific post here on Edgeryders about this plenary by the end of the week, which will include the agenda and the location. You can let us know below that if you are planning on coming. There is also a helpful manual to prepare with: Login – Nextcloud

  • There will be a series of sociocracy/facilitation trainings on the evenings of 2, 9 and 16 July. The times and links to these online sessions can be found on the Nextcloud calendar. There will be a post here on Edgeryders with more information in the next couple of days, and you can let us know below that if you are planning on attending.

  • Finally, if you haven’t done so already, if you download the Signal app on your phone, I can add you to our Reef groups. The two main ones that we use are an emergency group, for last-minute communication, and a chitchatters group, for everything else.

Feel free to reach out to one of our buddies if you have any questions: Login – Nextcloud.


Welcome @kath
I hope you do not find everything too intimidating or overwhelming like I did when I joined the project :sweat_smile:.
Take you time to go through the information. I personally feel it is more pleasant to read the material from a good size screen rather than the smartphone.
The project is also about the connections between people so please do not hesitate to engage with us - we can go out for lunch/drink some of these days if you are available (reach our to me on Signal if you want).


I updated the post completely, including a section on Signal and completing the parts on estimating size and price, and on how to become an Associate Member. If you’d need further updates to the post during my absence, please ask @ChrisM to take care of that.

@Sarah would it be ok to double post the social events, on Nextcloud and in the summer schedule? The idea is that the summer schedule is easier to navigate (because it only has collective events, no team meetings) and because it’s also easy to access from the pinned post.


Forgot to react to this : :sweat_smile::joy::rofl:

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Yes, I spotted that and asked @SophieC to add new events to the summer schedule (I think? Or did I just think and not act? :sweat_smile:). Older events should already be on there.

So Sophie, would you mind doing that if not done already? And can you also check that previous events are on there? Thanks!


Here, the post for this sunday - details - poll - everyone is welcome !

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On July 6, we are organizing a visit of commun space of the co-Housing L’Echappé - built by our architect - in Laeken - rue Drootbeek,30 - 1020 Bxl from 1pm to 1.30 + lunch

Otherwise, an interesting program organized by Habitat & Participation and Samenhuizen this summer.
They propose to visit different existing co-housing project in Brussels.

  • 27/06 : Exposition & discussion on Co-Housin in Halles Saint Géry - 5 to 7 pm
  • 04/07 : visit co-housing Vosberg in Wezembeek-Oppem
  • 11/07 : visit co-housing BiPlan in Haren
  • 18/07 : visit collectif housing Daryacu in Saint-Josse
  • 25/07 : visit co-housing Ilot de Spiegel in Jette
  • 01/08 : visit collectif housing for elders Biloba in Schaerbeek
  • 08/08 - visit co-housing l’Ambassade in Schaerbeek
  • 22/08 - visit collectif housing Compas in Anderlecht
  • 29/08 - visit co-housing Longue Vue in Woluwée-St-Pierre
    To register : FR link:https://www.habitat-groupe.be/agenda/
    Nl:Activiteiten | Samenhuizen

indeed …

Hello Sophie, you probably know all this, but I think hardly any exploring member is looking at the forum yet. If you want to appeal to them, email is best (for now).

i would argue that, we just had the Q&A, with a great bunch of enthusiastic and eager exploring members. Most of them i’ve understood had already made an ER account and Chris stressed it a 1000 times that is thread is the most important thing and ER is the way to interact. So i would argue that this thread is the best place to post it, with links to other threads if necessary…


hi, @reef-exploring
Some of you indicated you want to join the visit this Sunday.
Can you fill in Sophie’s poll so we know a bit who’s coming…

New members cannot add themselves to the @reef-external group… normally Lie does it superfast, but she is on a break. As I started to write this post, there were only two people in the group. I have since added seven more. So, dear exploring members, please read this thread starting from the very top (just scroll up)!

EDIT I meant @reef-exploring of course.


Thanks @alberto !
Actually, it’s me or Mieke who normally add new members to the Edgeryders groups, so no need for you to do it at the moment :slight_smile: And I know you’re all excited and motivated about Team External at the moment, but new members are added to ‘Reeflings group’ and the ‘Exploring Members group’, not @reef-external group :sweat_smile:


For those @reef-exploring members who were not at the Q&A on Thursday evening, if you were at the 6 June presentation, the deadline regarding applying for associate membership has shifted from 3 July to 8 July. This is to give you the chance to see the confesseurs on the 7th (see link to post above) before making your decision…


Me again :slight_smile:

If you’re a @reef-exploring member who now has an Edgeryders account, you will probably have received a notification about the plenary meeting post for Monday. But if not, and you are just following this thread for the time being, here it is: Plenary meeting – 01/07/2024