Welcome to the June Exploring Members!

That’s great, thanks a lot Chris !

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Oups, @ChrisM I forgot the @

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Hi @reef-exploring members !

Yet another couple of pieces of information for you, as you make your decisions about whether to continue to the next stage of the Reef.

Firstly, it is often the case that new members wonder if they can find the time in their already busy schedules to contribute to a project like this, particularly those with young children. If this is something that has come up for you, this document might help: Login – Nextcloud. It outlines the commitment that members are expected to make, but also how to be a part of the project if this is just not possible. It is important to note that building the Reef is a lot of work, and we need people who will participate in the various teams and tasks. Having said that, we want to balance this with being inclusive, particularly when it comes to people with care duties…

Secondly, in the associate membership stage, we will be reverting to our system of assigning a Full Member buddy to each new household, so that you have a person to talk to, ask questions or raise issues with. Until then, a member of Team Recruitment and Onboarding will be reaching out to each Exploring Member household, to check in and be available as a ‘temporary buddy’… :slight_smile:


Hey everybody, I just had a phone call with @Sophie_B to tell her my decision not to continue with the project. I realised that it’s above my financial possibilities and so I have to leave the Reef. It’s with a grateful heart for the rich experience and meeting you nice people that I’m quitting the common way.
I’m still really excited about the Reef, it’s a beautiful project, and I hope that you’ll have a lot of joy besides all the work and concern in it’s realisation! I’m following the progress with the help of the newsletter and I’d be happy seeing you around!
Take care of each other and all the best for you,


Hello @reef-exploring,

For those who haven’t filled in the document yet where you can indicate which teams you would like to join, it is saved in the Teams set-up folder: https://c301.nl.tabdigital.eu/f/77977.

Please send me a PM when you fill it in, because I am not checking it on a regular basis. Also please don’t hesitate to reach out to your buddy if you need help.

Not many people signed up for Team Finance & Legal or for Team Building, so if someone would hear a calling please don’t hesitate. No prior knowledge or experience is needed.

Finally for those with extra care needs: please don’t hesitate to let us know if you would like a special arrangement or a time-out. No questions will be asked. Our document explaining the details on deviating from the minimum commitment is in the Onboarding Package (the relevant bit is at the end): https://c301.nl.tabdigital.eu/f/141555

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Hello @reef-associate,

Now that you are all Associate Members, it is time to take the next steps …

The summary of things to do is included in what we call the “checklist”, which is saved in the Onboarding Package (internal link)

Of immediate interest, it would be great if you could take care of the following things:

  • Indicate which teams you would like to join (if not done yet): see “teams set-up” folder in the Team Reef folder (internal link)

  • Send your picture and mini-bio to Alberto => for our website (see ASBL photos and mini-bios for the website)

  • Fill in the members registry (internal link) => this helps us gather some data that are useful for our internal organisation

  • Read the Onboarding Manual (internal link) => this is a concise summary of how The Reef works (no need to read it all at once though)

  • Meet up with your buddy => to connect and get a space to ask all the questions you’d like to ask


Dear @reeflings ,

This is a goodbye post.

Roger and I have decided to withdraw as associate members. Our family is going through some changes that made us realize we cannot fully commit to The Reef. Unfortunately, the timing is not right for us.

Since communicating our decision to Lie two days ago, I have felt both relieved and sad. We were really keen on joining The Reef and still hope to become part of a Cohousing in Brussels at some point in time.

We wish you all the luck, brainpower and community to build and maintain The Reef. All the contacts and encounters I had with the group have been warm and kind.

We might see each other around the neighbourhood (as we live nearby).

Warm wishes,


Sad to read that and to see you go. And understanding timings and priorities and phases in family and life.

And yes, we might meet in the streets of Jette.

Take care


All the best, hope you find your perfect place eventually!


Very sad to see you leave, @marij_e but wishing all the best to you & your family!!


Hi, not sure where to flag this issue… posting it here as it concerns onboarding. We were updating the onboarding documents with Jeroen’s information, but got a warning that the file on ‘skills and experiences’ is not working. This was the message that popped up:
The file ‘Skills and experiences v2.docx’ is corrupt and therefore cannot be opened. Collabora Office can try to repair the file. The corruption could be the result of document manipulation or of structural document damage due to data transmission. We recommend that you do not trust the content of the repaired document. Execution of macros is disabled for this document. Should Collabora Office repair the file?

emphasized text
Is there an IT-wizzard in the group who can check this? @ChrisM @alberto

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Thanks for sharing that @Hannah!

@alberto, for reference, the file is saved in Team Reef > Teams set-up: Login – Nextcloud

Hi there folks! Until now I have been following The Reef via Hannah, as we are quite busy with our little family and with a distance issue in Leuven. I look forward to meet you all this Friday!


Welcome @Jeroen! :partying_face:

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Welcome also from me @Jeroen! Looking into your IT issue now…

Hi Hannah, I don’t know about the wizard part, but here is what I could do:

  1. I opened the file locally (after download).
  2. I found that Jeroen’s profile had somehow ended up in the header (so repeated on all pages!). It was too long to fit in the header, and this might have caused some problems.
  3. I moved his text into the body of the file and updated the table of content.
  4. I saved the resulting file in the same Nextcloud folder as “Skills and experiences v3”.
  5. I tried to have Collabora Online repair the old file, but it could not, so I renamed it as “Skills and experiences v2 (deprecated)”.

I hope I managed to catch all of the text relative to Jeroen. Could you check? The new file is here: Login – Nextcloud.

@alberto, that document is linked to in many places. Would it be possible to maintain the same link? If not, not a disaster, I should be able to track the links if need be.

Sorry, I can’t find a way to do it.

Welcome @Jeroen !!
Looking forward to meeting you… :slight_smile:

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Thanks Alberto, I finished the document now. And so sorry for destroying the previous document in some bizarre way.