Writing a paper on network reduction (landed on "Applied Network Science")

You are not wrong.

Is the following too grand? @jan @Richard

Operationalizing approaches in anthropology: four techniques for simplifying networks of co-occurring ethnographic codes

Can you operationalise an approach? I understand ‘operationalise’ to mean ‘defining the measurement of a phenomenon which is not directly measurable’. In the context of our paper, wouldn’t it be ‘meaning’ that is operationalised through these techniques? Or am I overthinking this?

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Hmm… I see your point. I see operationalization as “making something amenable to algorithmic processing”. In this sense, network simplification by association depth operationalizes structuralism into “induce a network of co-occurrences, then rank its edges by association depth”. But you are the native speaker, and I may well be wrong.

As Network Scientists and Sociologists/Anthropologists might understand ‘operationalise’ differently, perhaps we should take it out. Is ‘Four techniques for simplifying networks of co-occurring ethnographic codes’ too basic?

I agree with Richard – just make the subtitle the title…

Paper accepted, @icqe22_authors ! :partying_face:

I am making an executive decision on the title. It’s going to be:

Operationalizing anthropological theory: four techniques to simplify networks of co-occurring ethnographic codes

I believe this is both more representative of the paper’s content and more appealing.

The approved version is still on the same Overleaf project as always.


Dear @alberto, Dear All, this is fabulous news. Many thanks for all the work. I do like the tilte - it reflects well what we accomplished. Please send us more precise information about the location and date of publication. All my best, Jan

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@Richard and all other native speakers: shouldn’t it be: four techniques of simplifying…

‘Four techniques for simplifying’ sounds most natural to me but ‘to simplify’ also works.

The ICQE 2022 proceedings is out : https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-31726-2_4

The journal paper will be online in a few days.

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The last author is a bit weird… @alberto can you ask the editor to ask Springer to modify it?

@alberto and All, so we did not manage to chage the tilte, right? As per Bruno’s link, we have published this:

Alberto Cottica, Veronica Davidov, Magdalena Góralska, Jan Kubik, Guy Melançon, Richard Mole, Bruno Pinaud, and Wojciech Szymanski. 2023. “Reducing Networks of Ethnographic Codes Co-occurrence in Anthropology.” In Crina Dam̧sa and Amanda Barany, editors, Advances in Quantitative Ethnography. Cham: Springer, pp. 43-57.

I am double-checking as I have to prepare a report on my activities during the last year or so. Either way, it is wonderful that we have this out!

The link is about the ICQE 2022 conference paper. On this paper, the names of the last two authors have been merged.
I’ll post the link of the journal paper asap.

@alberto @bpinaud bp I apologize - I have been sooooo out of it recenlty. Should I understand that we have two separate outputs: a conference paper in Advances in Quantitative Ethnography and a journal article? If so, do we have a proper citation for the article?

Exactly. We now have a paper in the Advances in Quantitative Ethnography published by Springer in Communications in Computer and Information Science book series (CCIS,volume 1785).

We now have an extended version of this paper in the Applied Network Science journal (Applied Network Science | Articles). The paper should be called Operationalizing anthropological theory: four techniques to simplify networks of co-occurring ethnographic codes and online (open access, we (LaBRI) paid 1190€ for this) in a few days.

Yes. Hence the insistence on having separate titles. These are both full papers, not abstracts, and they are different, though with overlap.

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@alberto Many thanks Alberto! So, what’s the title you decided on? And can I have a full citation for the article if we have it? I need it for my review (and bragging :partying_face:),

@bpinaud Many thanks Bruno. I just saw your post. Apology. And many, many thanks for finding the way to pay for open access. This is huge and generous! Much appreciated.

As for the title it may be too late and it is rather minor, but the best version of the title (as per Richard) would be: Operationalizing anthropological theory: four techniques for simplifying networks of co-occurring ethnographic codes

My proposed title is as above, but not sure we caught the journal in time. We do not have a proper DOI for the journal article yet.

Fun fact: since Guy and Bruno have Erdõs number 3, all of you ladies and gentlemen now have an Erdõs number of 4 or lower.

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We have liftoff!