We are full-time social contributors, working on the economy of gift basis (aka secular mendicant order ) Apart from contributing to our local community (currently in rural area of SE Poland), we work on some long run projects:
Greexit (aka “Expedition Freedom”) - a study tour throughout Greece, to meet self-governing communities and learn from them. Main site: http://ExpeditionFreedom.org
Industrial Hemp Introduction - a project (already being implemented in Poland) to start grass-root
farmers’ initiatives to build hemp industry as a way to inrease involvement and sustainability in rural areas. The project was submitted to the EU Social Innovation Challenge 2013. The description (mostly in Polish) is available at http://wloknisci.pl/.
Embassy of the Commons - https://freelab.org.pl/profile/commons We plan to develop a hub for all movements in Poland, which identify themselves with the ideas of the Commons, P2P and cooperatism, especially from the anarchist perspective. The hub (technically: a Friendica social network server) will be scalable and replicable solution, available for all similar movements throughout the world, as part of the federated social network. Right now we are looking for seed funding - contributions welcome!