

I specialise in developing innovative services and organisations with communities that are undergoing transition - be that aging, becoming an adult, migration and/or recovery from natural disasters. I have worked with communities to develop a local community controlled transport service orgainsation, I have brokered the delivery of tailored interculturally specific access to education and I have produced participatory art projects. Facilitation, community orgainising and engagement, advocacy and partnership building are all things that I use to make social change happen. This work has been done from within existing orgainsations, often pushing the bounderies of their tolerance of 'risk'.  I have experience working in gvernment, union and NGo contexts and internationally in the Asia-Pacific region.

I have a background in social change activism and community orgainsing as well as facilitating skill development in this context. I'm drawn to the process of seeding a new orgainsation and am exploring models such as the workers cooperative (London Roots Collective/Seeds for Change) and other 'flat' structures. I'm keen to build to models that allow for longer term projects rather than relying on year to year grant funding or close ties to government policy. I'm searching for inspiration for an orgainsational model that can that deliver social and cultural services and facilitate active citizenship and that addresses both failure of the redistribution of wealth and fair distribution of power.  I'm also interested in the sustainability and dynamism of my sector from the perspective of people who work within it and ways to address the effects of gendered hierarchies, economic and orgainsational structures and contexts, participative vs expert tensions. Knowledge of colonial history and context leaves me particularly suspicious of top down or cross-border 'interventions' but keen on the localised development of collaborative leadership.