15/06 I Journée thématique et collective d’aide au montage de projet – Prospection immobilière et visites habitats groupés

15/06 I Journée thématique et collective d’aide au montage de projet – Prospection immobilière et visites habitats groupés - Habitat Groupé Solidaire (habitat-groupe.be)

Hey all, I will attend this workshop.

Orthers are motivated too ?

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looks interesting, it would be nice to hear what you learn

La deuxième journée aura lieu le 15 juin prochain et sera consacrée à la prospection et recherche immobilière (terrain et bien immobilier).

Outre une présentation d’outils et d’acteurs qui vous aideront dans vos démarches, nous aurons le plaisir d’accueillir Samuel ANSIAUX, architecte, qui nous fera part de son expérience et abordera des pistes pour rendre vos recherches de lieux plus efficaces. Il illustrera ses propos par des cas concrets d’habitats groupés constitués.

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Hi @reeflings

Here’s the feedback of the workshop of today.

It was interesting and I learned new ways and perspectives in how to search for the right spot.
I also had the confirmation we are going in the right way (with some extra details).

I’m convinced we will find the right spot in the months comming.

I will now try all the extra tips I got and take them up in the follow-up file of the commune’s (which we should maybe rename :slight_smile: )

I won’t be able to check all those tips all the time and it is important to divide this workload. I’ll try to make a file for this for the plenary of next week where the workload has to be devided and where I hope everybody can take one part of it.

Good night and see you saterday @ @Chrism


@Julien, we already have a file where we are gathering tasks: Login – Nextcloud. Feel free to add as many as you want, but please use the “track changes” mode (Nextcloud: in the “edit” tab, Word: in the “review” tab). Thanks!