15-19 JUNE - Progressive Governance Digital Summit 2020+ Webinar on EU Green Deal

Hi everyone!

An opportunity and a call for help.

We are running a session at an event taking place next week which will gather a number of decision makers in German institutions (and beyond) and other people relevant for community members’ work. We think it’s a fast-and-easy opportunity to gather information, map the space and open contacts for follow up conversations around potential collaborations, opportunities to support community members work etc.

But we need to do some preparation and for this we need your help!

  1. Register for the event, go through the program and see if you can identify any people you want us to try to connect you with. Alternatively, you can also check out this hashtag #PGS20 and see what you find. Add in a comment below their names and URL for the session: PGS20_draft_agenda_partner - Google Docs.pdf (814.8 KB) (DO NOT SHARE THIS OUT YET PLEASE!!)

  2. Help us to find community members who’s work/ knowledge we can use this opportunity to highlight. Look at the topics they mention in the program and use those as a list of search words. Find some nice edgeryders posts that touch on those topics and share the links in a comment below. If you yourself are doing work you want to feature, create a new thoughtful post about it on the platform and then add a url to it below. See topics in here: Digital Summit Information (1).pdf (2.8 MB)

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  1. @kajafarszky: Can you set up a new page for our session in the program put up in our nice new visual format today?

Hi @nadia,

Should we touch base on this today? @kajafarszky I’m available either between 9-10 or anytime after 2pm today.

Hi @hires, I think 14h30 is a good timing for @nadia

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Brilliant, thank you!