The Future of Search - Participant Information Sheet

Project Reference: NGI FORWARD 825652

1. What is the purpose of this research?

The NGI Forward project is part of the Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiative, launched by the European Commission in the autumn of 2016. It attempts to understand how people are contributing towards building the evolution of the Internet and our digital technologies, against a backdrop of massive social, economic, ecological and political challenges. More info:

2. Do I have to take part?

No. You can ask questions about the study before deciding whether or not to participate. If you do agree to participate, you may withdraw yourself and the data you have provided from the study at any time during the event, without giving a reason and without penalty, by advising the researchers of this decision. If after the interview/call you choose to withdraw, please contact Maria Kling.

3. What will happen if I take part in the research?

The event takes place digitally. It consists of an open discussion, moderated by Edgeryders staff and or workshops provided by community members.

If you take part in the event you will be able to listen and contribute to the discussion.

The call will be recorded for reference purposes for the NGI research described above and the facilitator to improve similar webinars.

Edgeryders staff will write a report of the call to be published in the platform to share all outcomes.

4. Are there any potential risks in taking part?

The risks of participation are minimal and include for example involuntary data breach leading to sharing beyond the original intention. We are prepared and committed to prevent any of this.

5. Are there any benefits in taking part?

There are no direct benefits to you for participating in this research study. As a result it may have indirect benefit to participants.

As a benefit of participating in the workshop part you will learn new skills that you will be able to use for your own projects and benefits.

There will be no payment for taking part in this study. The workshop is free.

6. How is the event documented? (ATTENTION: Changes to this section)

This call is being recorded. The recording will be used for transcription, inform follow-up summary articles and can be published by Edgeryders in parts or its entirety.
If you are not comfortable with the recording of the conversation being published afterwards to further the discussion, you will have to abstain from this call.
If you do not want your name being mentioned in the summaries/recordings, please, use a synonym to join (for example your edgeryders user name) and inform us ahead of the call via the contact listed below.

7. Will the research be published?

One or more writeups will appear on the NGI exchange platform ( Writeups will be attributed to their authors, not the participants. That is an open forum, so participants are welcome to use it to comment, respond, or contribute their own writeups.

The whole content of the forum (including the mentioned writeup, and any discussion about them) will then become the basis for at least one research report. We also hope to publish one or more journal article.

8. Who is organising and funding the research?

The research is organised by Edgeryders and funded by the European Union via a research project called NGI Forward.

9. Who do I contact if I have a concern about the study or I wish to complain?

If at any point you’d like your contributions removed from the online forum, just ask one of the admins and they will happily take it down.

You can contact Maria Kling, Community Manager at Edgeryders here via a dm or ping @MariaEuler or via email me at