#2 What did we discuss during the Covid19 Community Response Call #2 & What will we do next? (6th of April)

Hi @daveed
Great! Could you give me access to the spreadsheet, and put me in contact with Michael and Stela as I do no know them, please?

Great, which tie of the day were you thinking and who do you a\want to invite?

@daveed, I get it! I got confused as I see the name Michael, and I meant Michel. And I thought that you were talking about someone else. Is this still appreciated? I can contact them, I speak to them regularly. But from what I understand, the event is this weekend and next weekend. Is this correct?

We could start on the 25th of May (or another day on that week) and open it up to the community. By creating a page apart for it, I can tag people and also share it on social media. Specially, I would like to invite my friends from the Agile Learning Centers as I have been setting up EU Erasmus+ projects with them, and that is part of what I would like to share with this Edgeryders community.

We can setup 2 calls about Therapy, 2 about Connection, 2 about Learning.

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@lylycarrillo Apologies for the confusion. Spell check probably changed Michel to Michael. Yes, I think their participation as either jury or mentors would be great. Would be happy to have you as a jury as we as mentor. Jury members just give feedback on demo day pitches 6-8p EST on May 24th. They can also watch recording and give feedback via Google form early in the following week.

Hi Daveed, midnight is a bit too challenging for me. I can support as Jury, watch the video recordings and give feedback via a Google form that you sent me.

As a mentor, I can be available every day at 5pm CEST. Let me know how to proceed for that. Video conference with some teams?


@lylycarrillo, is there any specific help that you need at this point?

Could you make a dedicated post explaining the project, so it can be easier shared, discussed and contributed to?