2014 Buckminster Fuller Challenge Application

Last Friday I rushed to write an application for 2014 Buckminster Fuller Challenge since it had deadline in the evening of that day. To my knowledge most unMonasterians in Matera stayed busy with tons of stuff including preparation for presenting at Next – La Repubblica delle idee.

I’ve written it in a spirit (I hope) of Hacking Grant Competitions to Award Communities. Stating that we don’t want / need this $100k and instead search for collaboration and explore together new ways of securing assets. Proposing that this prize would go into a shared pool which all participating projects could use as fallback, in a sense that when any project announces need of an asset, anyone in the network can help with fiding alternative ways of securing it, and if we all fail than we fall back to using this monetary fund.

BFI requires $50 processing fee which I understand as something to discourage people to submit tons of ‘opportunistic’ applications. @ben had given me access to some PayPal account but of course something went wrong and while application went through I received email that they will not process it until receiving this fee.

You can find my text in a list on this board, together with information on what went wrong and how one can still push this application. If someone would like to give it a try I find it quite interesting how BFI folks would react to this graceful attempt of hacking their thing :smiley:

Well played!

I like the move, Elf. Can we help you with the processing fee? Or is it solved?

Da Abbot :wink:

I think @Ben may already work on sorting it out…

nice worldwide network!

i hope we can kickstart some cooperation among all those projects!
