2020 Videos

this is the link. you should be able to see it

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@alberto, @Joriam, @yudhanjaya, @hugi, @nadia, @MariaEuler, @bojanbobic

test call at 16.15
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 852 7943 5017
Passcode: 844109

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exactly, will do that this time. All those little boxes to tick…

Hey @IvanC, thumbnails are important and we do need to think about this! But I just put something together so we have something to start with — it’s not good, but it’s easy to read and it looks intentional, let’s start with that and improve later.

I know, @MariaEuler! I feel you! Worry not, let’s do our best and celebrate partial success :slight_smile: If our invitation was good (which I think it was) the people who show up will have an open heart and will forgive our eventual slip. It’s all good if it doesn’t work the first time, we can make it happen :smiley:


as soon as the video is made public it will show here in the feedback form, which now has just the one question: Edgeryders Forms

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This one is ok. Could you just attach the usual EIT Climate-KIC logo somewhere, please?
(I know…)

oh damn ahahahha I should have known better, gimme a sec, the file is still open

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Damn man, this Climate-KIC logo messed with my feng shui :joy: here’s the best I could do, it’s significantly worse, but as I said, it’s temporary.


make it smaller!!!
no problems with that, just needs to hang out somewhere

I’m not sure if that’s better or worse. Close call. Anyway, it will do for now.

We need to figure out some basic identity, but not today.


Anyone here yet?

yes, can you join?

@IvanC - let’s upload this video on Facebook too? I will crosspost it on the Blivande Facebook tomorrow. Also, add the credit @Joriam asked for on YouTube:

And please also add this

Hi, thanks for reminding me. The proper credit is now given on both Vimeo and Youtube.

You would do me a favor if you could upload the original to fb.
Here is the original file

Done, and posted!

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Hey, super important @IvanC @hugi

The videos (in all platforms) should have links to the map and edgeryders platform in their descriptions. We literally say the links will be there in the video. After all this is a piece we use to invite people in!

Also: any good reason why comments are turned off on youtube?

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Apparently, Youtube automatically disables comments if you say the video is suitable for children. So, adults only from now on

Oh please @IvanC :joy: this message about kids is to add the video to Youtube Kids

I mean… never too early for some economical criticism? Nonono youtube kids is not our place

LOL. Nevertheless, I must notice I read my first Jules Verne when I was ten and adored the Phoenix Five when I was six…

Hey folks, here’s the open call vid, in case you wanna give it a look!

It’s basically the whole convo, minus breakoutrooms and using the original video (I inserted it in the middle) instead of watching through Maria’s screen.