29/09: plenary meeting + Coordination Group meeting (online)

Hello @reeflings,

1. Plenary meeting

This Thursday we have an online plenary meeting planned. It will be a short one, because there are not that many topics that are ready for a discussion.

On the agenda (internal link - scroll down to page 3!):

  • The buddy system
  • The confesseur

For both topics there is a very short document that you may want to read.

2. Coordination Group

Because we all booked the same date in our agenda, I propose we use the time to have another Coordination Group meeting.


  • For continuity, I would propose to do the meeting with the same people as last time (but up to every Team of course to see what suits them best).
  • @Pieter: if you would like to skip one because Team Logistics is mostly dormant, I would totally understand. But you’re very welcome of course!

On the draft agenda (internal link):

  • Team reports
  • Planning of topics for the next plenary meetings
  • Budget until March-April 2023 (preparation needed - see agenda)
  • Selection process for Team leaders
  • The to do list (see below)
  • Checklist to purchase a site

@ChrisM: can you work with this? Otherwise let me know if you would like to have a quick chat eh.

The to do list

I don’t think it’s necessary to go into detail of all the tasks on the list (internal link), but there are a couple that I believe are urgent and important. Can the Teams concerned please have a look at the following tasks?

  • IT: task 24 on an app for a mailing list
  • Communication materials (or IT?): task 39 on a visual for the website on “who are we?”
  • IT: task 67 on login credentials
  • Building: task 8 on an excursion to Schoonschip

Can certainly work with that, but would definitely like to have a chat beforehand. Perhaps Wednesday evening. On another thread, I’ve also tentatively suggested Wednesday evening for a Team Gov meeting, so perhaps before or after that if it goes ahead…

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Sure. Can you let me know when? Maybe easier on Signal or another phone app?

I am on holidays, so I’m going to skip that one if that’s ok.

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Shall we have a brief chat via Signal on Wednesday evening at 19h?

Duly noted…

I’ll get started with that, but won’t have much to say by Wednesday…
@Lee : I’ve been a bit out of touch as I wasn’t there at the last plenary and haven’t done much as I’ve been unwell quite a bit. I’ll be there at the meeting but would you mind doing the summary for the team? If you have too much on your plate, no PB, I’ll work something out!

Hi Sarah,

No worries, no rush. Happy to take care of the report of Team Building tomorrow.

Take care!

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Hi all! I am sorry but I am not going to attend the meetings tonight. I’m not feeling good tonight. See you soon.

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Hi everyone,

As most of you know, we decided to reschedule the Coordination Group meeting that was meant to take place this evening. I suggest next Wednesday (the 5th) at 7.30…


Since I am abroad and on holidays until the 15th, I will not be able to attend the 2 coming meetings (Coordination and Plenary). Will be back full of energy then!

So it appears that there is absolutely zero enthusiasm for this suggestion :wink: Would anyone like to suggest an alternative time and date?

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