33c3 or the 33th edition of CCC

In the next day will apply to CCC33 with the opencare experience

We were “invited” by the science section curator.

If someone want be involved just let us know!


Good move! We are in, I guess. It would be our third Camp as Edgeryders.

Great idea

Got a few ideas of how can we (exposed in hacking health)

What do @Costantino say



these days went crazy but we finally we submit the proposal.


Open (Source) Care


An open source approach to enable citizens designing care solution through making

Event type: 




Time slots*:








One short paragraph that succinctly describes the event.

In this session we’ll show our co-design process and share the highs and lows of how the prototyping phase of Opencare.cc engages people, both in the virtual and physical world, in being active agents in creating new care solutions for their community and for us all.


A longer description of the event. Use this to give additional details that did not fit in the abstract. Both, abstract and description, will be shown on the conference website.

Opencare.cc is a project that is meant to explore open hardware solutions that tackle the notion of care. How do we care for others, how do we receive care, how do we care for ourselves, were questions that were researched in order to define a problem and its solution. Solutions that are provided by the people for the people.

Our process relied on co-design approach that starts by a collaborative storytelling approach, which helps citizens extract and define problems from their stories, the next part was to help formulate basic solutions around the articulated problems and then solutions were shared with a broader audience in order to validate their efficiency. After prototyping we went through a process of open testing with different user bases, which helped iterate different versions and open the solutions to more specific scenarios. Our testing process had been documented, and is an ongoing in order to help adapt and localize our product.

We turned our machines into building tools for the communities to create prototypes, devices, services to be shared with their members and similar communities, like “In Pe’” a wearable device to detect fall and call for help.

We open sourced the process and the documentation and created a sample open guide that helps other spaces and groups replicate the process in order to define problems and articulate community solutions  so that everyone in the world could potentially replicate the experience in their own community, or simply build one of the devices, or contribute to the design and the making process.

They helped us have a better understanding of what is missing out there when it comes to care needs, both from a medical and social perspective.

The open care approach is about enabling citizens become Active producers of solutions that they helped ideate, design, and actually implement, through clear and open documentation.

Opencare.cc is a collaborative project be: University of Bordeaux, Scimpulse, Edgeryders, EHF, Municipality of Milan, and WeMake and has received fundings from the EU

Submission note:

Visible for admins and users, contains additional information

We can eventually turn this into a lightnin talk if needed.

On the side it would be cool to organize a meeting during the days of the conference to ask the CCC community about their experiences and learn from them about their care needs, and eventually to involve them in the developing process of the prototypes.




Looking forward to join this year

I see registrations and ticket sales only open mid November. So we should be able to do headcounting by then.