4WD Event Oss 2022 transcripts - 22CHX

A warranty by the factory.

So you would use more new components or repaired components.

It’s depending on the prices. New components are cost more than the exchange system from the factory.

What is pros and cons for new components and used components

When a new car is coming on the market, they have to start that whole system. So if a part is a defect, you don’t have to change parts. So the whole system has to start up so that when the car is short on the market, you will probably get new parts and then you are expected to send the old part back to the factory and then they can start up that system. So and therefore you are so saying it is better for the environment, then you you don’t have to make new materials.

And what would you prefer to do in your car, the new components or used components?

My car I’m driving is from 2002, so it’s 20 years old. When I get still parts for that model, it can be used because sometimes new parts are not available anymore.

Okay. Do you have concerns about privacy and personal data stored by car electronics, for example, in Jeeps? Where did you were driving and so on When thinking about three use of car electronics?

I don’t have any experience with that yet.

You don’t have a GPS in your car?

My GPS is on my phone. It’s not in the car. But the newer cars, they do have it and they have GPS with emergency. And when you have that in the car, there is a sort of registration of all the things you do with your car. If you keep them on the speeds, if you are in an accident, they record. The circumstances and it could be used by the police and it could be used by an insurance company. If it is pure material damage, damage. So you say, okay, but if you have personal damage, then with the information they get out of the GPS, that could lead to a lawsuit. So big brother is watching in the car.

Does recycling and reusing mean different things to you?

Yes, Reusing is repairing a damaged part and recycling is Smash the old part and fabricate a total new part.

Would you feel comfortable with someone you don’t personally know reusing your electronic equipment if you have some.

Ooh I would be comfortable if I was sure that all the information, software information is deleted from that component Component.

What is your ideal car like? Describe How should it be.

I have an ideal car, as is an old one. It’s a DAF (former dutch car company, editor). It’s a it’s a truck. Six by six with a soft, soft top cabin. Okay, then you can the loading area. Remove that and put a camper unit on that. So in this, when you’re on vacation, you could drive like a soft top asleep in the camper department. But that’s a car built in 1950s. So you have to rebuild that whole car. It doesn’t exist.

On a scale of 1 to 5, one means not at all concerned and five means extremely concerned. And now the question, how concerned are you about issues of environmental waste and pollution?

In the middle three it is. They all say you have to drive electric cars. But the problem is, if so many people people are driving electric cars nowadays, we are it’s not possible to make all the points to load electric cars. So here in the Netherlands, we have a lot of points. But in France, in Germany, they are leaping behind. So when they say in 2025, you have to drive electric. They can say it, but they can’t make the network. So I’m before I was for changing for the climate, the speed in which it is possible. I don’t think they can make it today.

What, if any, steps do you take in your life to promote sustainability?