4WD Event Oss 2022 transcripts - 22CHX

I don’t have an answer to all that.

it is. dursamheid in dutch.

I directly by myself, don’t have a plan for that.

Do you do anything by yourself at home, for example, to do it?


How much responsibility does each individual have to make lifestyle and consumer choices that help protect the environment?

It’s all. I don´t know.

What can the car industry do to promote a circular economy? What do you think? Or if they do, they do anything.

Sorry, that’s something. No, no, I have no answer for that.

Where do you think electronic waste from cars goes after it is no longer used?

They try to. To filter the like gold or platinum from the cars. But so they try to re-use materials but that that’s specialist work. So the component has to go to specialist firms who can get back to parts the metal sources.

And what is the rest of it. Where is going? The waste you cannot re-use. What do you think?

That they could melt it or they could make them how to say it.

to burn it, you mean?

Yeah. No, no. Sometimes they make alternative. Materials So they could use it for for buildings or to build stuff.

Okay. Okay. Thank you very much.

