4WD Event Oss 2022 transcripts - 26GLX

Does recycling and reusing mean different things to you?

Recycling and reusing not. I think it’s it’s it’s the same recycling and reusing. And recycling is maybe when you have a broken parts and you’re going to fix them or we shoulder some connections or some some cables, that’s more recycling than reusing. I think reusing is when you have a part that’s and not to use anymore and you’re going to lay it on the on a shelf and you’re going to pick it up some years later or some days later. Yeah.

Would you feel comfortable with someone you don’t personally know using your electronic car equipment?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because in the car business where we are, part of it’s one side community and we know all each other. So yeah, if I don’t know them, yeah, it’s a difficult question. If I am going to sell my radio or radio with, with GPS or navigation, I’m going to erase all my, my, my data as much as I can. But yeah. Yeah. It’s, it’s always an Yeah. risk. If you, if they want to harm you they can if you would do your best or not. Yeah. Have a little faith in you. Yeah. Yeah.

What is your ideal car like? Describe it.

car. Like in what? What do you mean.

ideal. Best What you, would like to have?

Yeah. Never broken, but that’s not possible. Everything gets broken in one day, so. Yeah, you. You see that? A car that manufactured a long time ago, like 20 years ago, they’re going to last their manufacture to last. And all the newer cars, they manufacture it to be cheap. So that’s, that’s the that’s all different than I like to, to have some manufacturers that will buy, build, build cars like they used to 20 years ago. But they’re going to be crazy expensive, I think with the cost of metals now.

On a scale of 1 to 5, one means not at all concerned and five means extremely concerned. Yeah. The question how concerned are you about issues of environmental waste and pollution?

That will be. Yeah. Four four yeah I’m, I’m a little bit concerned about all the hassle that’s now being brought up. People are fighting against cars because they are so much polluting the oxygen at the moment. But they I think they forget about the big factories that have all the all the possibilities to make a lot of waste. Waste environment stuff. Yeah.

Yeah. 1 to 5. which number.

four a four. Yeah. Yeah.

What if any steps do you take in your life to promote sustainability?

What steps? I pick a two because like I said, I want to reuse the products as much as I can, and if I can fix it, I will fix it. And. The fix is on Macintosh. Yeah. If it’s not fixable, then we’re going to make something else out of it. Yeah.

How much responsibility does each individual have to make lifestyle and consumer choices that help protect the environment?

That’s a difficult question because I then I have to make a choice from for somebody else. But if we all have a little bit more responsibility, then everything will be more okay than it is now. But yeah, that’s a difficult question. Yeah.

What can the car industry do to promote a circular economy?

Yeah, a lot. They can provide used products like parts, car parts, or they can fix them instead of sell you new stuff. That’s a big step they can make, I think.

Do you believe that they do already such things?

In my opinion, they they don’t. They don’t. They are comfortable with selling new parts because of the “kurrency”, the warranty, because you never know what parts are used for in the past. And that’s that’s a difficult one for for them, I think.