4WD Event Oss 2022 transcripts - 32SVX

I think they do it this time. A good enough, but yeah, if you ask me. Huh? Maybe more ads or something about it or. Yeah. Put it in the car itself or something. I don’t know really about it, but I think it’s like this.

What do you think ?

I think they must make it better reusable. So I can take a radio of this car to put it in that car without any lock. That’s better, I think, for. For the. The criminals. Is that.

That’s too easy. So that’s not the good option. But it’s better for the world. Oh, yeah. Oh, well, so. So we can try. We don’t have to throw it away. If we don’t use it anymore. We can put it in on in our other car. We can use it again without any problems. I think that’s a good idea.

The last question. Where do you think electronic waste from cars goes after it is no no longer used?

I think they put it on a big thing and then they put Yes. And then they put a machine and they can press it together and then. Yeah. Yeah. I don’t know. Burn it or something. I don’t know. But that’s not even good for the environment. So I don’t know. I think that I don’t know.

What do you think about that?

I think they put it on a big mountain and they crash it together and it’s yeah, it lays there 20 years maybe, and it going down in the, in the, in the ground. I think that’s not good, but I think that happens.

Okay. Thank you very much.

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