4WD Event Oss 2022 transcripts - 33VNX

What does it mean to you in your own words?

That we try to build the parts by ourselves. We don’t use. We try to build our products with a minimum of footprints.

If you had the option to replace a malfunctioning electronic component in a car, would you using a new component or a used one. And why? Maybe pros and cons for new and for used parts?

I think used parts because they have a lesser footprint and new parts when they are new a new vehicle. As I know.

do you have concerns about privacy and personal data stored by electronic, for example, GPS when thinking about reuse of car electronics.

No, that comes as a, no, no.

Does recycling and reusing mean different things to you?

Yes. Recycling is using old products to make new and used products Is the same product in a new expectation? Yep.

Would you feel comfortable with someone you don’t personally know and reusing your electronic equipment, for example gps.

No. No. No. No. No.

What is your ideal car like? Describe it.

Oh not. I’ll old Defender. Yes, I’m. I’m very confident with that old Defender. Yeah. No electronics.

On a scale of 1 to 5, one means not at all concerned and five means extremely concerned. The question, how concerned are you about issues of environmental waste and pollution?

Yeah. Five. Right. I think we are overconsuming the world. Yeah. Yeah.

What, if any, steps do you take in your life to promote sustainability?

Watch the the footprint? The print? Don’t eat meat. Don’t use plastics in packing or.

But how much responsibility does each individual have to make lifestyle and consumer choices that help protect the environment?

Yes, we all have. We have to concern that for our children and our grandchildren. Yeah.

How much?

Very much. Very much, yeah.