4WD Event Oss 2022 transcripts - 33VNX

Could you explain what to do?

Yes. What I said is don’t use products that have a big footprint to destroy the world, the earth.

What can the car industry do to promote a circular economy? What do you think?

Yeah. Trench transformation in in more products who don’t test the world. And. And as you may not now, electronics.

So last question. Where do you think electronic waste from cars is going after it is no longer used?

Sorry, I don’t understand the question.

Where do you think electronic waste from cars goes after it is no longer used?

I don’t know, but I hope it will be replaced.

Okay. Thank you very much.


@jos could you please clarify what this part means in this interview? “Yeah. Trench transformation in in more products who don’t test the world. And. And as you may not now, electronics.”

Sure @Nica just let me know who was that so I can find the whole interview and check it.

It’s in this interview that I am responding to — this very thread :slight_smile:

oooh OK, it was for me a little bit misunderstanding because the word “Stuttgart-33Vin” so I didn’t realize it’s Vin from Netherlands. Sorry for my mistake.

What he meant is: “Trans…ah…trasnformate in, in, in more products which don’t test the world and…ah…and…trans… transformate electronics” - In his meaning the car industry should use more electronic products which are reusable

Sorry for this confusion. I didn’t see it when controlling the text at that time. I hope that is now more clear what he meant.
