6 hour training on Non-Violent Communication (NVC), for group of 2-8 ppl

Confirming for this Sunday, and happily also for the pasta. Thank you :slight_smile:

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The activity book needs to be printed out once for every participant. So far we are three, no reply yet from Claudia.

I think itā€™s perfectly fine to print out two slides on one page. Everything is VERY bigā€¦

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I printed 3 :ok_hand:t2:


excellent, thank you!

Thanks Lara fr the proposal
unfortuately I can not make it for Sunday 15/01 due to another course

Hi @reeflings,

In case someone is still interested to follow the course, this is your chance. (The Reef has access to the online course until the end of February). (@Matthieu you showed interest?)
We had to reschedule the NVC training 10 days ago, because of two participants being ill.

New dates:
Sunday 12/02, 11-16h (including lunch break)
Sunday 19/02, 15-17h

So far itā€™s @Nic and me, let me know if you want to join :slight_smile:

(@reef-it I again canā€™t add or edit events in the calendar. Could someone please take a look? @manuelpueyo was on it last time I think. Much appreciated!)

Saturday 11/2 or Sunday 12/2?

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Hi @Lara

Thank you for the proposal to attend the course
I am available on Sunday 19/02 but not on Sunday 11/02 (class day)
So am afraid this would not work for the group
Thanks for asking

Indeed, that wonā€™t work out unfortunately.

@alberto i think you own reef meeting calendar, you need to go to the calendar click the sharing icon and share it with reeflings (make sure with editing rights). i am afraid i dont have rights. thanks

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Hi! I would :slight_smile: but on 11/02 some of us are going to visit Schoonship in Amsterdam (and we are staying overnight). I would be free on 19/02 thoughā€¦

A typo slipped into your post, @Lara. Itā€™s Sunday 12/2 (not 11/2).

@Laurianne , that answers your question + @BarbaraG , that might make participating possible even if you join the Schoonschip visit (which is on Saturday, the day before)


No, really sorry, weā€™re spending the w/e in Amsterdamā€¦

Aiƫ, I missed your message. I corrected it to Sunday 12/02!

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I could attend on the 12/2 and on the 19/2, then ! Do we have to be more to confirm or is it already confirmed that way with only the few one of us ?


Thatā€™s awesome! As long as we are minimum two people itā€™s perfect, so three is even better.

I just sent you and @Nic calendar invitations. My address is also in there. (Iā€™ll send you my phone number in PM).

Other infos:

  • Nic has already printed out the handouts. Nothing you need to bring except yourself.
  • I have two (kind) cats.
  • Do you wanna join for simple pasta with tomato sauce lunch on the 12th?
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hello @Lara , i would like to join on sunday, if thatā€™s ok, thanks!


Absolutely :slight_smile: will send you my address on Signal.

Can you print out the activity book once for yourself?

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