6 hour training on Non-Violent Communication (NVC), for group of 2-8 ppl

Hello everyone,

I would like to bring together a group of up to 8 people to follow the 6 hour training course on Non-Violent Communication (NVC) that The Reef has purchased. If I understand correctly the course can still be accessed until the end of January.

It consists of three modules of 2 hours. It can be done online or as IRL meeting.

I suggest:
We do the training in person instead of online.
We split up the course over two different days. One day we do the first two modules with lunch or dinner in between. The second day we do the 3rd module.
I would like to offer my place as location (Schaerbeek, Brussels. Close to “Plasky”.)

@Lee I saw in another post that you took care of the purchase, could you please confirm until when The Reef still has access, or let me know where I can find the information? Same for the login details please.

@ChrisM since you organized the last training round: anything I need to pay attention to, apart from every participant having a copy of the activity book?

I will make a doodle once the whole procedure is clear to me.

Whoever is interested in participating feel free to reply to this thread so that I can get an idea of how popular this would be. :slight_smile:


Wonderful initiative @Lara !

Nothing in particular.

Good that you’re aiming to do this in person as a group… it really makes a difference to the dynamic :slight_smile: Also, the learning material can be a bit slow-moving in parts, so the group discussion is where it can be really interesting.

I think there was supposed to be a maximum of 10 participants when we bought it, and we registered 8 of us, which meant we all got an email with access to the video clips. In fact, you only need one person to have access when doing it as a group. So either there is a spare registration still available so that you can access the clips, or you can use mine or Lie’s to do that.

Once this group has finished the course, we can get the Study Group idea going, and combine everyone who has done the course with the aim of both keeping NVC in our awareness and deepening our understanding of the concept…


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Thanks for the initiative Lara! Here’s the link to the login credentials: https://c301.nl.tabdigital.eu/f/28859 (we have access until 28/02)

Tagging @reef-exploring to make sure you get to see it (message no 1 above) :slight_smile:

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Thank you, Lee! Will check it out!

Awesome, thanks for the info!

I’m interested to join the group, depending on the dates we end up chosing! Splitting it into two days will work best for me if they are not consecutive (as this means going back and forth to Antwerp for me).

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Hey Nic, awesome that you want to join!

I understand. Also for digesting the information and “practicing” in day-to-day life it would be better to have at least a week inbetween I think. Will create a doodle asap.

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Here are the TWO doodles to find the TWO dates for the NVC training.

I had to make two doodles because the meeting duration of the two dates that we are looking for are different (5hrs for the first date, 2hrs for the second one).

Please make sure you FILL IN BOTH DOODLES.

FIRST date:

SECOND date:

The dates are all on weekends because with my current job and a future job change in January it is very difficult for me to plan evenings during the week.

Please fill in until Wednesday the 14th. I will then communicate what dates we will meet up :slight_smile:

More information on the training course:

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Thanks for the initiative Lara, I would love to join as well. Just filled out the doodle

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Awesome. Saw it!

Filled out both doodles! When are you thinking of picking the finals dates, @Lara ? If at all possible, I think it’d be good to pick the dates in max. a week to avoid people’s calendars filling up again.

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Hey Nic, agree with you. I set Wednesday 14/12 as last date, so in two days. (Mentioned it in an above message.)

I just wrote a message in the plenary session thread, but unfortunately I won’t be able to participate in The Reef. However I would still like to go ahead with organizing unless it poses an issue with someone.
→ If you see this message before the plenary session: could you bring attention to the training/Doodles? I can imagine that some people haven’t seen the thread but might be interested in participating.

We have the two dates for the NVC workshop.

5 ppl have voted (that includes me), and unfortunately there is no perfect solution. @Matthieu won’t be able to joint (not available on the first date), and @lenaftng is not available on the second date. (Others available on both dates: @ClaudiaPr and @Nic.)

The two dates will be
Sunday 15/01, 11-16h.
Saturday 28/01, 14-16h.


  • I will send you the exact address + phone number a couple of days before the training.
  • I am happy to prep lunch for the first date, for whoever would be interested.
  • Every participant will have to have a print-out copy of the workbook. I could take care of this (copy shop around the corner).

I will add this to the shared The Reef calendar tonight. If ANYONE ELSE is interested to join, post here or send me a PM! :slight_smile:


Hi Lara, thanks so much for organising this! I cannot see the events on the Reef calendar - have you added them?

Not yet, because I can’t seem to add it. Was planning to check with team IT.

@reef-it I have tried to find a way to add the two training days to the calendar, but I have the feeling that I might not have the permission needed. Could someone from the team please add them? Forever grateful.

Day 1/2: Sunday 15/01, 11-16h.
Day 2/2: Saturday 28/01, 14-16h.

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Hmm, this should not be the case. @manuelpueyo, can you check that Lara (and everybody) has permission to add events to the shared calendar?

Done, and invited you, Lara.

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done! should be able to everyone to add events in the shared calendar,

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Dear @reeflings,

Last chance to join the 2-part NVC training! :speaking_head:

All you need to know (no need to read the previous messages):

Dates: :spiral_calendar:
Part 1: Sunday 15/01, 11-16h (lunch 13-14h) (THIS Sunday)
Part 2: Saturday 28/01, 14-16h

Lunch on 1st date: :spaghetti:
I’m thinking of making pasta with tomato sauce. Let me know if you want to join, or have food restrictions.

Location: :round_pushpin:
Schaerbeek (Plasky). Will send the exact address by PM to the participants. (FYI: I have 2 cats.)

Handbook: :open_book:
Participants can either print the PDF themselves, or I can print it out.

So far I have @Nic, @ClaudiaPr, @lenaftng noted down for the first session. Can you please confirm that you’ll join for the workshop? :slight_smile:


Pasta sounds great! I’m in :slight_smile:

I might be missing the obvious, but what exactly is the link to the handbook? If it’s not too huge I could just print it for all of us at work tomorrow or friday.

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