6 hours of Nonviolent Communication training for small groups

I did that a few days ago! Did it not come through?

Sorry. Didnā€™t see it. Thanks!

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Also: @ThomasMaertens, just to be sure: did you see this? Could be interesting as a member of Team Facilitation and Conflict Management?

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Hi everyone!
Sorry Iā€™ve been a bit absent from this threadā€¦ Iā€™ve been preoccupied with a fairly chaotic trip to New Zealand.
So according to the Doodle, thereā€™s only one session when we could all potentially meet, which is Thursday 25 August from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. As such, I suggest we all commit to this date for session 1 so that we have a full group for the first one. We can do that at our place in St Guidon, and Iā€™ll put dinner on for anyone who feels like coming along an hour earlier :slight_smile:
For sessions 2 and 3, I suggest Monday 29 August from 2pm to 6pm, which is the only other possibility for the majority of us to meet. For those that have to miss one or both of those sessions, the resources will still be available for you to do the sessions individually or in a smaller group. It might be nice to do that at someone elseā€™s place, just to mix it up, but it is not problem at all to also do these sessions at our place.
@Lee - regarding participation, even though we could be a group of 8 without you for the first one, I think you could still come if you want to. Most of it is video watching and discussion (and maybe dinner), so I donā€™t see why it would be an issue to have 9. And if there was some aspect that you couldnā€™t participate in, you already have the most established background in NVC :slight_smile:
@Lee - regarding payment, as youā€™ve suggested that the Reef pay for this one in full, could you go ahead and book it? I assume thatā€™s easier than me doing it and then claiming back off the Reef. If thatā€™s not the case, Iā€™m happy to book it myself, so let me knowā€¦

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For the dates it seems like Doodle glitches a little on the difference with the time zones, so the proposed dates in Belgium would come down to Wednesday 24 August 7:30 - 9:30 and then on Sunday 28 August from 2 to 6 pm. Iā€™ll put it in the calendar.

The payment needs to be made by credit card and we donā€™t have one, but happy to take care of it.

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Thanks @Lee !

I could see that the times were glitching, and it took me ages to make a plan because of thatā€¦ didnā€™t even occur to me at that point that the dates were glitching as well :-/

Looking forward to this :slight_smile:

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Hello @ChrisM and @Lee . For what I see the group is already complete, I took a bit too much time to react. Anyway, the dates didnā€™t suit me. When the ressources are made available, Iā€™ll be sure to look at them.

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I will not be able to attend any of them with the new dates but will be happy to do it afterwards !

hello @ChrisM I will be there on wednesday at your place and @ugne will be representing our houshold on Sunday. hope that is ok and fits your plan, thank you!

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Hi @manuelpueyo and @ugne (and everbody),

The training course is progressive, meaning that what weā€™ll learn on Sunday will build on what we will learn on Wednesday. If you would like to attend the Sunday only that is possible, but in that case it will be less disruptive for the others if you can catch up on the first part by yourself. Would that work?

Alternatively you can also just wait for the next group. We have access now for 6 months, so I am sure there will be another group taking the same training course.

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I have bought access to the training course today. Would have time and be willing to take the lead on this one?

I have saved the login credentials in the usual place (Nextcloud > Team IT). To invite group members, the email says you need to go the ā€œGroup management pageā€.


@Lee Yes, happy to take the lead on this one. Iā€™ll have a good look at everything tomorrow and do the invitations etc.

For all those attending, youā€™re welcome to come anytime from 6pm to have some dinner first. Iā€™m going to make a veggie lasagne, and Iā€™m more than happy to adapt it for anyone who has any special food requirements. Feel free to let me know if thereā€™s any food that you canā€™t eat or prefer to avoidā€¦



yes. that would work. I will attend tomorrow (wednesday) and will explain to @ugne what i have learnt so she is properly up to level on sunday at your place.

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Thanks a lot @ChrisM! I donā€™t eat gluten though, so that seems like a long shot. Shall I just bring something for myself? Or maybe just some gluten-free pasta?

@Lee - no need to bring anything. Sarah has convinced me that a lasagne isnā€™t summery enough, so Iā€™m doing a selection of saladsā€¦ no problem to make them gluten free :slight_smile:

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@Lee @alberto @ugne @manuelpueyo @Sarah @EmmanuelleVM @Sophie_Beese

So everyone should have received an email with the login details for the NVC 6-hour course (Lee, I think you might have ended up with two :thinking:).

When you login you will see the course at the bottom of the page. Select the course. On the next page, under the title of the course, you will see two tabs: ā€˜courseā€™ and ā€˜materialsā€™. Click on materials, and you will see a link to ā€˜NVC activity bookā€™. Each person will need to print this activity book, which will cover all three sessions. If for any reason you donā€™t manage to do that yourself, we have a printer here. Iā€™m not sure it will cope with printing it for everyone, but itā€™s a backup option if needed.

Other than that, you just need to turn up tomorrow, from 6pm onwards for dinner or just before 7.30pm for the start of the courseā€¦



Thank you very much! Iā€™ll aim for dinner time :slight_smile:


thanks a lot to all, specially Chris and Sarah. iā€™ll be there this evening eather at 6:40 pm and it will be great to can eat something small.

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I will also come for dinner. Do I need to bring anything?

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@alberto Dinner is all covered, so just bring yourself and the printed copy of the activity book :slight_smile:

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