The unMonastery, has been shortlisted to win 100,000 Euros in a Italian competition called Che Fare.
So why does the Che Fare competition matter?
Because the unMonastery is our first attempt to collaboratively build the kind of p2p infrastructure needed for individuals to be able to do meaningful work. And contribute to the future they want. While having an acceptable standard of living. If we win the grant, we want to use it to develop the unMonastery into a sustainable and scaleable model for bridging the growing gap between the need to make meaning and the need to make a living.
How do we do this?
The competition is designed in such a way so as to limit participation to just voting, which we think is a waste. So we are going to take the opportunity to collectively design a solid “business model” for the unMonastery! Why? because if we can make each unMonastery economically self-sufficient, this increases the likelihood many more people will dare to build one!
The idea is to use the grant money for:
- evaluatiing the impact of the first (independently funded) residency iteration (~30K Eur).
- writing and spreading instructables and how-tos. Scalability would therefore work like for Benedictine monasteries: give people tools, propagation will happen by adoption rather than by us going to found other unmonasteries. Includes traveling and spreading the unWord (~55-60K Eur). This might include some extra residency grants as needed.
- developing a model for accessing real estate, like Camelot's, but benevolent (~10-15K Eur).
So the grant would be used 100% for sustainability and scalability. It would also contribute towards covering costs of involving the Edgeryders LBG infrastructure we are all using to realise the unMonastery and other community intiatives (platform, social media, events etc.).
If you want to be a part of the unMonastery journey, this is a great opportunity!
We’re preparing the shared workspace where we will build this together. But you don’t need to wait for that.
Challenge #1: help vote the unMonastery on to the next round. If you havent’s already done it, please do. It takes about 5 minutes. Instructions in English available for download here (thanks Rita!)