A glance at the social network ahead of the supervisory board meeting

Hello everyone! I am please to report that engagement in POPREBEL has accelerated substantially. @nadia and @noemi and @natalia_skoczylas must be doing something right. We have now crossed the psychological threshold of the 100 participants in the conversation. The numbers as of today are:

Contributors: 110
Contributions: 727 in 169 topics, with 186K words
Annotations: 629
Codes: 371

The network consists of 110 nodes connected by 303 unique relationships, and looks like this:

The only thing I don’t like so much is those isolated nodes to the north and east, 10 in all. They are: Stefa , matka, Polka, polityklewicy, Darek, mia, Aga39, komendant, Tereza and Ja-Rek.

Ping @Jan @Richard


Fantastic! Congratulations @natalia_skoczylas @nadia @noemi @alberto!


I will take care of the loose nodes next week :slight_smile: