A List of Collaboratories

Hi, I had been thinking about this since I saw the mission and had decided to just let something drift my way.  Yesterday Jean Russell, another Edgeryder, posted a link to a post about building a school for Superheroes, a kind of environment where learning/education/entrepreneurship overlap:

" A live/work campus with elements of a university, Plato’s Academy, an ashram and a monastery. A place to feed your mind, body and soul.Where people express what their humanity means to them through art, technology, music, experiential learning, sustainable practices, aesthetics, and togetherness.An action-orientation of prototyping, experimenting, risk-taking, rapidly iterating, and propagating what works. Incubating startups and projects. A collaboratory to bootstrap local and regional solutions to our most pressing ‘wicked problems.’"
I thought the idea sounded pretty cool so I followed the link to out what she had written about it and came across an extensive list of  ‘collaboratories compiled by Venessa Miemis as part of her research (Venessa wants to found this school), and thought it would make for a good mission report :)  According to Venessa, a collaroboratory defined as  a “center without walls” that could be a second home to a lot of different change agent organizations;
"For instance,  the Hub could have a presence there, COMMON could launch some socially conscious enterprises there, Open Source Ecology might build some equipment there, and a hacker collective could run a bootcamp there. There could be programs for teaching children to code, mentorships with high school students to guide them from idea incubation to entrepreneurship, and events around any number of topics, like arts and culture, technology, business, sustainability, or spirituality.She found hundreds of existing examples of these types of spaces around the world. Below I've posted the ones based in Europe."
Below is the list I found. I think it is a laudible and generous effort of Venessa to put this together,  if you want to help post more suggestions as a comment to this mission report and I'll collect them and share them with Venessa for her list! 
artist incubators / artist-in-residencies

AS220 - (Providence, RI)

STEIM - (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

berlinerpool - Berlin, Germany)

Scotty Enterprises - (Berlin, Germany)

W139 - (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Smart Project Space - (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Artist in Residence Centers - (Germany)

Art Laboratory Berlin - (Berlin, Germany)

Eyebeam - (NY, NY)

LabforCulture - (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

The Nomadic Village
Ars Electronica

Kulturlabor Trial & Error - (Berlin, Germany)

Pixelache - (Helsinki, Finland)

European Cultural Foundation - (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Directorenhaus - (Berlin, Germany)

Platoon - (Berlin, Germany)

DMY - (Berlin, Germany)

Create Berlin - (Berlin, Germany)

Mediamatic - (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

SMARTlab - (Dublin, Ireland)


coworking / project incubation


coworking/registry - US coworking spaces

The Hub - (30 locations globally)

Notman House - (Montreal, Quebec)

Station C - (Montreal, Quebec)

ECTO - (Montreal, Quebec)

La Cantine - (Paris, France)

Echangeur - (Paris, France)

Aalto Design Factory - (Espoo, Finland)

Streetlab - (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Creative City Lab - (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Jigsaw Renaissance - (Seattle, WA)

iHub - (Nairobi, Kenya)

Kitchen Budapest - (Budapest, Hungary)

3RD WARD - (Brooklyn, NY)

sektor5 - (Vienna, Austria)

entreprenorskyrkan - (Stockholm, Sweden)

Platform4 - (Aalborg, Denmark)

betahaus - (Berlin, Germany)

Jelly - (global)

Access Space - (Sheffield, UK)

Njambre – (Rosario, Argentina)

DIY education (online)


entrepreneurship & startup incubators

KaosPilots - (Arhaus, Denmark)

Knowmads - (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Team Academy - (Jyväskylä, Finland)

Founder Institute - (global)

blackbox - (San Francisco, CA)

makerlab - (San Francisco, CA)

hackerspace / makerlabs / fab labs / creative spaces


Hackerspaces - global list

foulab - (Montreal, Quebec)

UK Hackspace Foundation - (UK)

IMPULSE FACTORY - (Vienna, Austria)

moddr - (Rotterdam, Netherlands)


innovation camps


Schmiede - (Hallein, Austria)

Incubate - (Tilburg, Netherlands)

living labs / collaboratory

The European Network of Living Labs

West Lexham - (London, UK)

Academie Schloss Solitude - (Stuttgart, Germany)

Ocean University - (at sea)

Kundavi - (Los Cabos, Mexico)

Auroville - (Auroville, India)

Damanhur (Valchiusella, Italy)

Findhorn (Findhorn, Scotland)

Friends of Gaviotas - (Colombia, South America)

Blueseed - (at sea)

Sirius Community - (Shutesbury, Massachusettes)

Bosque Village - (Erongarícuaro, Mexico)

sprout & co. - (Somerville, MA)

Monument (upcoming) – (San Francisco, CA)


social entrepreneurship & resilience education


social innovation organizations & centres

Centre for Social Innovation - (Toronto, Canada)

Social Innovation Exchange - (global)

Francilienne Centre for Innovation - (Paris, France)

Social Innovation Centre - (Paris, France)

Center for Social Innovation - (Vienna, Austria)

The Australian Centre for Social Innovation - (Adelaide, Australia)


further exploring:


creativespace PiratePad
Innovation Lab Ecology PiratePad

people who compiled this documentation:


Seb Paquet - @sebpaquet - sebpaquet@gmail.com - Montreal, Canada

José Pietri - jose.pietri@yahoo.com - Paris, France

Nina Kickinger
Barbera Ruder
venessa miemis - @venessamiemis


Very, very good resource. I tweeted about it and a lot of people picked it up. Thank you!


Thanks for this Nadia! I would add the Unreasonable Institute (US), the School for Social Entrepreneurs (London), The Berkana Institute (US) and Ashoka under Social Entrepreneurship Education, while La Ruche (Paris) and Melting Pot (Edinburgh) - just like The Hub - could both go under Centre for Social Innovation and Co-working/incubation spaces. Very useful source when it’s completed!

Center 61, Austin

Just found out about these guys in Austin:


Very much like The Hub, a shared space for social entrepreneurs…



It’s great to see this list. Really relevant.

Contribution to the list

The list was extremely helpful to build a critical mass of markers on the CitizensLab Edgeryders map of future builders. Thank you so much, it helped save a lot of time (not having to do the research, since a lot had already been compiled.

The School of Superheroes, I would love to attend! I have been thinking about a 'Xavier’s School for gifted youngsters, like in the X-Men story (where Kundalini awakened would learn to develop their gifts). So far, I found an Institute for Consciousness Research, but there is no ‘school’ associated to this group.

Here is my contribution to the list of collaboratories:


Government in the Lab (Massachussets, USA) http://govinthelab.com

CriticalCity Upload (Milan, Lombardie, Italy) http://criticalcity.org/home/landing

Autism Village project (Bengaluru, Karnataka, India) http://autismvillageproject.blogspot.com

Buzz Car (Paris, Île-de-France, France) http://www.buzzcar.com

Buzz Data (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) http://buzzdata.com

Cars2go (Austin, Texas) http://www.car2go.com

Cofluence (Sydney, Australia) @Cofluence

Four Years Ago (San Francisco, California, United States) http://www.fouryearsgo.org

Future Journalism Project (New York, United States) http://futurejournalismproject.org
Data base project GCME - Genius, Creativity, Mystical Experience (Milton Keynes, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom)
Govloop (Washington, District de Columbia, United States) http://www.govloop.com
Govtwit (Washington, District de Columbia, United States)  http://www.blog.govtwit.com
Meshing it (San Francisco, Californie, United States) http://www.blog.govtwit.com

NationBuilder (Los Angeles, California, United States) http://nationbuilder.com

Newmindspace (New York, United States; and Toronto, Ontario, Canada) http://www.newmindspace.com
Recollect (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) https://recollect.net
Civictec (Sydney, Australia) http://civictec.org
Open Plans (New York, État de New York, United States) http://openplans.org
Code for America (San Francisco, California, United States) http://codeforamerica.org
Open Knowledge Foundation (Cambridge, United Kingdom) http://okfn.org
Gov20Radio (Los Angeles, California, United States) http://www.blogtalkradio.com/gov20
Projet Synesthéorie (Lyon, Rhône-Alpes, France) http://synestheorie.fr

Open North (Montreal, Québec, Canada) http://opennorth.ca/about/

OpenIDEO (Palo Alto, California, United States) http://www.openideo.com/

@OpenCFSummit (Garland, Texas, United States)
Forum francophone des données ouvertes (Dakar, Sénégal) http://www.forumfrancophonedesdonneesouvertes.org/ffdo/
Open Camp à Québec (Québec, Québec, Canada)
International conference on digital citizenship Donostia-San Sebastian (Gipuzkoa), Pays Basque, Spain) http://www.congresociudadaniadigital.com
New Mexico Foundation for Open governmen (New Mexico, United States) http://nmfog.org
Sunlight Foundation (Washington, District of Columbia, United States) http://sunlightfoundation.com
Capitale ouverte (Québec, Québec, Canada) http://capitaleouverte.org
Citizen's App Group - Open Data Ottawa (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) http://blog.opendataottawa.ca
Démocratie ouverte (Paris, France) http://democratieouverte.org
GovGirl (Reno, Nevada, United States) http://www.govgirl.com
LiberTIC (Nantes, France) http://libertic.wordpress.com
Montréal ouvert (Montréal, Québec, Canada) http://libertic.wordpress.com
Open Government Partnership (New York, United States) http://www.opengovpartnership.org
Open data BC, citizens led catalog (British Colombia, Canada) http://www.opendatabc.ca
Québec ouvert (Québec, Québec, Canada) http://quebecouvert.org
Québec Leaks (Québec, Canada) https://www.quebecleaks.org
Spaghett Open Data (Rome, Lazio, Italy) http://www.spaghettiopendata.org
Open Gov Tunisie (Tunis, Tunisie) http://facebook.com/opengovTN

Shareable (San Francisco, Californie, US) www.shareable.net

Transition Town Tones (Totnes,  United Kingdom) http://www.transitiontowntotnes.org

W.E.C.A.R.E. (Deerfield Beach, Florida, United States) http://wecareto.org

Sages and Scientiests forum 2012 (Carlsbad, Californie, United States) http://www.choprafoundation.org

WISE - World Innovation Summit for innovation (Doha, Ad-Dawhah, Qatar) http://www.wise-qatar.org

La Cantine (Paris, France) http://lacantine.org

Communautique (Montréal, Québec, Canada) http://www.communautique.qc.ca

MindLab (Copenhague, Hovedstaden, Denmark) http://www.mind-lab.dk


April, promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre (Paris, Île-de-France, France) http://www.april.org

Association Ciudades Kyosei (Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain) http://www.ckyosei.org

Avaaz Foundation (New York, État de New York, United States) http://www.avaaz.org

Democratic Society (London, United Kindgom) http://www.demsoc.org

La Maison de Griny (Paris et Lyon, France) http://maison-tic.org

La Quadrature du Net (Paris, Île-de-France, France) http://www.laquadrature.net

Mouvement Convivial (Bruxelles, Belgique) www.convivial.be

Proactivité (Laval, Québec, Canada) http://proactivite.org

Yeg Girl Geeks Dinner (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) http://yeggirlgeek.wordpress.com

Institute of Consciousness Research (Markdale, Ontario, Canada) http://www.icrcanada.org


Collectif pour un Québec sans pauvreté (Québec, Québec, Canada) http://www.pauvrete.qc.ca

Les Fourchettes de l’espoir (Montréal-Nord, Québec, Canada) http://pages.videotron.com/faim/index.html


Coopérative de solidarité Innov X.0 (Montréal, Québec, Canada) http://www.rezopointzero.com

Atelier l’Air libre (Montréal, Québec, Canada) http://airelibre.ca