A mini-series of podcasts about Witness on Europarama

Are you free on Monday March 8th? Ideally something like 19.00? If it is too early we can try for the following Monday, 15th of March.

Any technical advice?

Are you coming to next week’s webinar?

Hi We can try on Monday the 8th at 7pm it could work.
is @yudhanjaya available? so that we record the history one (and include the introduction).
Alberto would you like to co-host with me the whole mini-series? I think it would be cook.

Technically, I need you to be able to connect via zoom (I can send you a link)

For the webinar I might have missed the info, when is it? :slight_smile:


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Tuesday 9th, at 17.00 CET.

Sorry for the delay, everyone. Yes, count me in. 7pm on which timezone, though? I’m on GMT + 5.30.

Yes, 7PM GMT +1 (Central European Time)

That’s great news.
I am reading the history thread on the platform. If you have anything else to send me about the topic of the history of Witness please send it over so that I can use it to prepare.

I foresee something like 30/40 minutes and it will be quite informal.

Looking forward

Hi Giuseppe,

a pleasure to meet you this way. Here you can find a booklet where we collected the first phase of the project together with the first webinar summary, contributions from the participants and the illustrations.

7PM CET would be too late for me, since with translates to near midnight my time. Is it possible to do earlier?

Hey @porcarorama :slight_smile: I’m also super down for this — bit challenged timewise these days, but here’s some good times (all CET)

Thursday 18th, 15h
Thursday 18th, 16h
Friday 19th, 14h
Friday 26th, 16h

Any of those work?

Could 6pm on Monday our time work then? I also ask @alberto

Yes, that would work for me.

Hi Joriam,
I add also @alberto as it would be great if he is there too.

Both the slots on Thursday 18th and the one on Friday 19th could work.

@Alberto, do you have a preference on your side?

Thanks a lot

Hello I hope you are having a wonderful Sunday,

@amelia and @hugi when could you be available in the next few weeks (within the month of March) for a recording session?
(preferences for after 6pm CET but if you have other preferences we can find a solution)


This month, the later the better. I’m planning to fit in some vacation. How about Monday the 29th at 19:00 CET?

great I booked the slot in my calendar - @alberto are you also free that day?



comunque non capisco come funziona la piattaforma, come si fa reply to all? :slight_smile:


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Hello Joriam, let’s book it on Thursday 18th at 15

In the waiting room now.
