A mini-series of podcasts about Witness on Europarama

Put me down as hell yeah. I could also talk Risk Bushido.

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Hello everyone.

Thanks so much Alberto for connecting. I just had a small taste of the world building exercise that you are doing and I find it completely amazing.

As Alberto said, it would be interesting to have a dedicated mini-season of europarama around your project. I would be happy if it could be a sort of audio-sensorial extension of the co-creation exercise that you are doing.

Let me know how best do you think we can advance in the brainstorming.

Looking forward!


This is such a cool collaboration and suuuch a generous offer @porcarorama!
Count me in :slight_smile:

@porcarorama, welcome to Edgeryders, and welcome to Witness! Thanks again for the opportunity. So, everyone is on board. The next move, I would say, is to finalize the breakdown from my draft above, and to set a date for the first episode.

Question (mostly to you, Giuseppe): do we go “straight in”, and start talking about the Viking project and the Sundering? Or should we instead do a first episode in which we introduce the Worldbuilding Academy as a project? @nadia could be one to outline the strategy.

Hello everyone,
Sorry for the delay in replying.

@alberto (happy birthday) and I think we can have a short introduction which we will repeat at every episode - so that we remind the listeners what is this mini-series about. It does not be long but it can be me in the introduction/jingle explaining this is a mini series “Europarama x Witness” saying in a line what Witness is and what we will do in each episode.

I would like to make it a nice introduction and under 2 minutes that we could easily edit to use as a trailer/teaser for the series.

That would make it more dynamic than a full episode on the overall project upfront.
What we could evaluate is whether we want to do a final episode where we bring the different districts together and their interaction and the open questions to the worldbuilding excercise.

@Alberto - I cannot access the link to the draft can you resend? do you also have a short description of the project?
@ the others - do you have drafts or anything I can read?

After I can read the material I could sketch a proposal for the flow of the episodes etc.

My idea is that we will not only describe what you already wrote, but through our conversation also further explore some new stuff for each distrikt - coming up from a question or simply as Spontaneous co-creation we may experience during our talk. What do you think about that aspect?

Looking forward,

Hi @porcarorama, what a fun project!

Here is the Avantgrid post:

amazing stuff

@Alberto, can you resend me the document you shared? it says
“Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private”

I am trying to familiarise with the platform to understand the various distrikts - if you have easy summaries if where do you stand in the creation of each of them, and also a general description of witness it would make it easier for me :slight_smile:

I would like to make preparation work in the next couple of weeks and start booking recording sessions with all of you. The 5 episodes that Alberto proposes seems to me very good.


Sorry, Giuseppe, now the link works:

The main issue is that not all my proposed topics are distrikts!

This sounds like a good idea.

Uh… we are not that well organized yet. In general, my absolutely personal opinion is that at this point in time the better organized Distrikts are, in that order:

  1. The Assembly
  2. The Covenant
  3. Libria

But these are wikis, so that can change quite fast as we put more effort in, say, Hygge (my next goal).

You can read on all distrikts (but also on aethnography, Risk Bushido, the history of Witness etc.) in the #earthos:witnesspedia category, which is open.

Hello guys,

I just wanted to tell you that I haven’t forgot you at all.
I have just been too swamped on work.

I was thinking, as the first podcast could be on history of witness, maybe we can start to book a date to record. @yudhanjaya when would you be ready?

Also for the others, perhaps we can start booking slots in the next 4 weeks and start recording?

I am usually available in the evenings from 6 pm on.
The recording session should not take more than 45-60 mins each (all included).

Looking forward to hearing from you,

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Are you free on Monday March 8th? Ideally something like 19.00? If it is too early we can try for the following Monday, 15th of March.

Any technical advice?

Are you coming to next week’s webinar?

Hi We can try on Monday the 8th at 7pm it could work.
is @yudhanjaya available? so that we record the history one (and include the introduction).
Alberto would you like to co-host with me the whole mini-series? I think it would be cook.

Technically, I need you to be able to connect via zoom (I can send you a link)

For the webinar I might have missed the info, when is it? :slight_smile:


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Tuesday 9th, at 17.00 CET.

Sorry for the delay, everyone. Yes, count me in. 7pm on which timezone, though? I’m on GMT + 5.30.

Yes, 7PM GMT +1 (Central European Time)

That’s great news.
I am reading the history thread on the platform. If you have anything else to send me about the topic of the history of Witness please send it over so that I can use it to prepare.

I foresee something like 30/40 minutes and it will be quite informal.

Looking forward

Hi Giuseppe,

a pleasure to meet you this way. Here you can find a booklet where we collected the first phase of the project together with the first webinar summary, contributions from the participants and the illustrations.

7PM CET would be too late for me, since with translates to near midnight my time. Is it possible to do earlier?

Hey @porcarorama :slight_smile: I’m also super down for this — bit challenged timewise these days, but here’s some good times (all CET)

Thursday 18th, 15h
Thursday 18th, 16h
Friday 19th, 14h
Friday 26th, 16h

Any of those work?

Could 6pm on Monday our time work then? I also ask @alberto

Yes, that would work for me.

Hi Joriam,
I add also @alberto as it would be great if he is there too.

Both the slots on Thursday 18th and the one on Friday 19th could work.

@Alberto, do you have a preference on your side?

Thanks a lot