A personal favor for Matera

Dear social media team, I am asking you for a personal favor. We have witnessed a lot of generosity by Materans, some of which are opening their homes to edgeryders in need of free or cheap accommodation. This happened in response to a letter posted by Noemi on the Matera 2109 community website. Only four of us have popped in to say thank you, and two (@ilariadauria and myself) are also part of that community. I would really really like a couple of people who have nothing to do with Matera to also do so, to give the local community a clear impression that edgeryders are a vibrant, positive, grateful bunch. This way, everybody will be looking forward to the event even more.

Social media team, please do this now! We’ll create the conditions for a great second push in September. Ideally, @elf_pavlik could also do this: it’s right up his street, non-transactional and sharing. To do it:

  • go here and create an account. This is important: please, add your photo to the profile, it makes the relationship much more personal. It’s the way the ape bran is wired. Like on Edgeryders, the account has to be approved manually by the admins. This process is normally very fast.

  • once your account is created, go to Noemi’s post and leave a comment. A couple of sentences in English, or in whatever language you want to write, will be more than enough. Hi, my name is X, I’ll be coming for LOTE, thanks for your warm welcome.

I promise you it will be two minutes very well invested towards building LOTE. My personal thanks!

Webteam Backup!

Yes, fellow ER, indeed: just a couple of words to say hello would be great, and I can assure you the webteam is going to be so happy to dispatch you’re participation on the Net. One thing is asking for hospitality for 60 people, another thing is asking hospitality for 60 of which 30 have interacted on the platform with a couple of words… it makes the difference, and it will make things cooler for the ones that are gonna be scouting for matches!

So, we’ll be waiting for you online my friends from one platform to the other :slight_smile:

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