A platform for paying communications professionals on Edgeryders -- Introducing Edgelance.eu

Edgelance.eu is now up! If you are a communications or marketing professional of any stripe, you will want to check this out, or become involved. The website is part of an intensive marketing effort to secure paid, client work to members of Edgeryders that have experience providing professional services in the following areas:

  • Social Media marketing
  • Writing/Research
  • Web/Graphic Design
  • Web Application Development
  • Content/Inbound Marketing/Public Relations/Blogger Outreach and a bunch of other stuff under the marcomms universe.

If any of this excites you, then I probably want to talk to you ASAP to see how I can get you on a client services team ā€“ either on a preexisting or one that we can design for the near future. Thanks! And feel free to send me any feedback on how you like the website so far (the teams are just an example of what could be for now). Iā€™m just hoping to improve the site this week, then next week we can push it out and begin the challenge of securing paid work for our members.


Edgelance.eu looks good congratulations !

I can offer sharing my skills in:

Social Media, Writing/Research, Content/Inbound Marketing, Communications, Social/Community Outreach, and other things related in a broad sense :slight_smile:

I figured you would, Dorotea.

Ok, Iā€™ll email you soon. Iā€™d like to schedule some time to better understand your skillset. Thanks for reaching out!

I feel itā€™s simple and objective, very good work!!

Great great work under construction!

Edgelance with Eleganceā€¦ :- )

(I canā€™t help to visualy relate this two wordsā€¦)

I am in a process of moving to another country and entering a new jobā€¦ probably next monthā€¦ As I told today to Noemi, unfortunatly on such exciting moments! I wonā€™t be able to compromise but in some time (no idea how long?) I might be able to ā€˜and I would love toā€™ participate.

Mainly Iā€™ve been colaborating as a graphic designer.


What exactly does ā€˜openā€™ in ā€˜open consulting agencyā€™ mean? What is a ā€˜closedĀ consulting agencyā€™ and how are you/we different?

Well done!

Very elegant, Said. I recommend you start a group of creatives tentatively available for this kind of work?


ā€œOpennessā€ in this case is a reference to the traditional client-agency relationship ā€“ as far as the public is concerned, itā€™s a privileged one, a black box that is constantly spitting out things for the public to see, but outsiders do not get to see how things are made; this was intentional because clients are usually secretive and want to protect their reputations or intellectual propery.

In this case Edgelance will offer 25% discounts to clients who are willing to open that client-agency relationship up so that the public can get in on the creative process. We understand that most clients, at least at the beginning will be reluctant to agree to these terms, and that is fine. There are always many ways that we can share agency learning moments with the public in ways that protect clients who want to keep up exterior appearances only.

Edgelance wants to refine the communications agency ā€œformulaā€ if you will, and we think this will never happen if agencies keep hiding behind the traditional model. Open in this case also means that our methods will be open to dissection and discussion. Out of this weā€™ll try to blog out learning moments, codify processes for everyone to learn from, etc.

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ty for sharing [saidhamideh], itā€™s a nice website, very clear and easy to navigate. What I like the most is the idea behind the facade: the openess of the design process which I, as an architect doing many other things, have tried to put in my job as well.

Iā€™ve some experience in graphics but Iā€™m not skilled as the rest of you, thatā€™s for sure. Whether itā€™s possible, I would like to join you to learn and share your method, if you donā€™t mind.

Anyway, good luck!

Great idea! When will it be launched?

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Inga ā€“ Monday!

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