About the OpenCare category

Here we coordinate(d) a research project on community-driven care services. The project is complete now and its full contents are available under Topics tagged project-opencare

The idea first came in the context of a LOTE4 session proposed and led by Rémy Cagnol. We wrote a proposal in February-March 2015, which got funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 framework programme. Everyone is welcome to participate._

What is OpenCare all about?

We are a global community working together to make health and social care accessible for all, open source, privacy-friendly and participatory.

OpenCare is a research project executed by a global consortium of partners. It starts from the assumption that state and private institutions will be unable to meet the demands for care in the 21st century and that new, more open, participatory, community-based methods are required.

Related: the OpenVillage Festival.