About the The Reef's Open Knowledge category

The Reef’s Open Knowledge is Cohousing The Reef’s window to the world. It’s the place where we can share curated blog-style posts about something that we think could be of use to other groups. Likewise it’s also a place where we welcome other people and group’s questions and experiences.

Sharing something yourself?

Would you like to chip in? Feel free to register (it takes two minutes), and reply to any post within this category!

Would you like to ask a question or share some knowledge yourself? Feel free to start a new topic!

Our capacity to interact

“Openness” is a key value in The Reef: we want to be as open and hospitable as possible, and share all the documents, information and knowledge that we have.

At the same time our core objective is to build a 20-30 unit cohousing in Brussels, which sometimes feels like an uphill ultra-marathon given the time and emotional management that it requires :sweat_smile:.

Therefore, until The Reef is built, as much as we would want to share and interact in line with our values, it is more than likely that we will hardly be able to be very active on this part of our forum.

Staying up to date?

Would you like to stay informed when there are major updates or interesting posts to share? Register to The Reef’s Open Knowledge Newsletter. You’ll receive 1-2 newsletters per year, with a short overview on what’s new.